Here is a list of 11 things Arizona wants to ban

What would you ban in Arizona?

It’s hard to believe that some things in our world not only still exist, but are still used or socially accepted. Let’s face it: There are things in our world that have outlived their usefulness.

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It’s time to stop using single-use plastic

For example, why do we still use single-use plastic? I understand the use of lightweight disposables for healthcare. It’s cleaner and safer. Using a spork for 10 minutes at lunch and then throwing it in the trash? Does that even make sense anymore?

READ MORE: What things are illegal to own in Arizona?

Owning animals that are too big for us

And what about someone who owns exotic animals? I’m not talking about zoos or wildlife rehabilitation centers.

READ: Will this make outdoor grilling illegal in Arizona?

I’m not pointing fingers at those who have a special education license. I’m shining a spotlight on people who own exotic animals like large wild cats and other dangerous animals simply because they can.

Many people in Arizona believe that owning exotic animals should be banned except under special circumstances.

Banning bad habits in Arizona

Walking through a cloud of smoke or vapor is a nuisance. Businesses and regulations prohibit people from smoking or vaping near entrances, but is that enough? Should these things be banned in public? Some people in Arizona think so.

What else do we want to ban from Arizona? Read on. Do you agree with our list? What else should be banned in the Grand Canyon State?

11 things we should ban in Arizona

Check out our list of items some people in Arizona believe should be banned. Do you agree?

Gallery Credit: Val Davidson

13 Items That Are Illegal in Arizona

Here is a list of items that are illegal, prohibited or restricted in the state of Arizona. Be sure to be safe and review our list before bringing them to the Grand Canyon State.

Gallery Credit: Val Davidson

These 9 things are illegal in Arizona

Which laws make sense? Which laws in Arizona are just plain weird? You decide!

Gallery Credit: Val Davidson

By Olivia

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