Home repair assistance for the needy in Izmir – RayHaber

Mayor Dr. Cemil Tugay of Izmir Metropolitan Municipality: The home repair service, one of Cemil Tugay’s important promises to the people of Izmir, continues to make the lives of needy citizens easier. The Home Mini Maintenance and Repair Team operating at Izmir Metropolitan Municipality Eşrefpaşa Hospital carries out small repair works in the homes of Izmir residents within the scope of this service.

Mini maintenance and repair team on site

Eşrefpaşa Hospital’s Home Mini Maintenance and Repair Team takes tool bags and goes to the homes of the needy and solves problems such as plumbing, electrical wiring, sockets and faucets. The teams go to the citizens’ homes and make the necessary repairs to improve their quality of life.

Healthy living and home care services

Dr. Nihat Mermer, Izmir Metropolitan Municipality Healthy Living and Home Care Branch Manager, stated that this service is not only limited to health but also undertakes repair works in citizens’ homes. Dr. Mermer said, “Within the scope of home care, we provide health services to citizens who cannot go to the hospital due to health problems and whose financial situation is inadequate. At the same time, we also provide personal care and house cleaning services to these people. In addition, we also provide household repair services. In this way, we provide free repair services in the homes of our citizens whose faucets are leaking or whose sockets are broken. “Citizens who apply through Citizen Communication Center 153 can benefit from this service in the order of making an appointment,” he said.

Citizen satisfaction

Citizens who benefit from this service express their gratitude to Izmir Metropolitan Municipality and the teams providing the service. 62-year-old Naringül Uvuş, who lives in Karabağlar and has difficulty walking, received help from the Mini Maintenance and Repair Team for the broken toilet seat and leaking faucets and sockets in her house. Uvuş said, “May God bless Izmir Metropolitan Municipality. The home care unit comes at certain times and cleans me. Finally, the teams noticed the problems with the faucets and sockets and instructed them to repair them. Without them, these problems would continue, the water would continue to flow and this would lead to waste. “When the repair work was completed, I did not violate people’s rights,” he said.

Human service from the repair team

Adil Çiçek, who works in the Home Mini Maintenance and Repair Team, stated that the team’s work was highly appreciated by the citizens. Çiçek said, “We carry out small repairs related to electricity and plumbing and do our best to improve the quality of life of the citizens. We generally repair malfunctions of sockets, lighting, faucets, toilets and water heaters. The feedback is very nice. When they leave the house, they say, ‘May God bless our community, let no stone touch you.’ “This makes us very happy,” he said.

Such services offered by Izmir Metropolitan Municipality increase the living standards of disadvantaged groups and also contribute to creating a strong bond between the Metropolitan Municipality and the citizens.

By Olivia

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