How you can get involved in supporting DreamWeek San Antonio in 2025

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From January 10-26, 2025, our city will come together to explore the impact of community connections at the DreamWeek San Antonio (DWSA) Summit. Now in its 13th year, the annual citywide celebration has grown into one of the largest community-organized summits in the country. Next year’s theme, “We Are Neighbors,” will usher in a triumph of community unity and our shared humanity.

About DreamWeek San Antonio (DWSA)

The citywide summit, held each January, is a community-curated endeavor with the goal of encouraging the exchange of ideas, stimulating discussion, and sparking change. The goal is to invite civil, open forum participation where real-world issues are addressed, with the understanding that the most honest voices will always prevail. Events can take a variety of forms, from symposia, panels, and debates to film screenings, concerts, and art exhibitions.

By Olivia

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