HRRMC Board Considers Name for Wound Care Center and Reviews Member Compensation Bylaws – by Carly Winchell

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Heart of The Rockies Regional Medical Center in spring bloom, photo by Dan Smith

The Heart of the Rockies Regional Medical Center (HRRMC) Board of Directors will next meet on Tuesday, August 27th at 1:00 p.m. The main topic of the meeting will be a presentation on hippotherapy by Vice President of Operations Desirae Westphal.

Old items up for discussion include a potential memorandum of understanding (MOU) with Places to Age. New items include a vote on the naming of the wound care center and a review of the bylaws for a possible solution to board member compensation.

The approval of the consent agenda includes seven capital purchase proposals and the approval of the minutes of the Board meetings of June 25, July 3, July 19 and July 24.

The total amount of capital purchase requests is just over $905,000. The purchases listed on the agenda are:

  • $30,195 for a Phillips endoscopy TEE probe
  • $32,433 for an orthopedic VA Condular Distal Femur Instrument Set
  • $59,705 for a new fan-filter unit (FFU) and cassette ceiling in the pharmacy cleanroom.
  • $357,390 for a new roof unit for the pharmacy clean room.
  • $136,833 for a GE OEC Elite 9″ C-arm with extended surgical platform (ESP).
  • $249,317 for furniture for the Delnay Hospitality House.
  • $39,195 for a Sysmex XN530 for the Buena Vista Health Center (BVHS) laboratory.

The Board will adjourn to a closed session to consider matters related to medical staff qualifications, approval of medical staff policies, risk management and complaint reporting.

Standard reports are expected, including the medical staff report from Chief of Staff Joshua Visitacion, MD, the financial report from Chief Financial Officer Karen Miller, CEO and administrative reports from CEO Bob Morasko, and committee reports from the Finance Committee from Stacy Osborne, the Facilities and Strategic Planning Committee from Bill Alderton, and the Foundation Report from Lezlie Burkley.

Information about meeting access:

Link to the Zoom meeting:

Meeting ID: 874 1572 1857
Passcode: 585306

Mobile with a tap
+17193594580,,87415721857# US
+16694449171,,87415721857# US

The public is invited to participate in public comment at the beginning of the meeting. Speakers must register upon arrival and will have a maximum of three minutes to speak.

The next HRRMC Board meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 24th at 1:00 p.m. in the HRRMC Shavano Conference Room or virtually via Zoom.

By Olivia

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