I am a trichologist and a common styling mistake leads to “unnecessary” hair loss – follow my 5 steps to a healthier scalp

MANY suffer from hair loss, whether due to health problems or lifestyle, and this condition is not limited to one gender.

An expert on this topic commented on the topic of hair loss.

Melissa Mallam is a trichologist from McKinney, Texas


Melissa Mallam is a trichologist from McKinney, TexasPhoto credit: Melissa Mallam

Freewill trichologist Melissa Mallam lives in McKinney, Texas.

She helps men and women regrow their hair and regain their self-confidence.

As a hair loss and scalp specialist, she told the US Sun about a styling mistake she sees all too often.

Besides the obvious culprits like hair dye and heat styling, Mallam has another no-go for anyone who wants fuller locks.

“Abuse can damage hair,” she told the US Sun.

She warned against a technology that could cause harm.

“Detangle hair by using a brush or comb to comb it from the roots down, rather than from the ends to the roots. This can break the hair and lead to unnecessary hair loss,” she said.

Mallam gave a tip on how to make hair care easy: you can even do it while you sleep.

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“I also recommend using microfiber towels, as well as satin or silk headbands and pillowcases,” she added.

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Mallam assured that not all hair loss is a sign of a problem. He said some hair loss is due to “hair growth cycles.”

“Hair growth cycles are the different stages your hair goes through: the active phase (anagen), the transition phase (catagen) and the resting phase (telogen),” she said.

“Most people always have hair in all phases at the same time.”

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She described hair loss as a “natural process,” whereas hair loss was rather “excessive.”

“It’s natural hair loss, 50 to 100 hairs a day. That’s normal,” she said.

“The hair that falls out clears the way for the hair in the transition phase (catagen) to transition into the resting phase (telogen), i.e. for the hair that falls out.”

According to Mallam, structure also plays a role in the hair growth cycle, which can lead people with curly hair to think they are losing hair when in fact they are simply hair loss.

“Everyone loses their hair to some extent,” she said. “I think we all know what’s normal for us.”


Mallam pointed out that hair loss is a serious cause for concern.

“(Hair loss is a concern) if you notice you are losing more hair than normal,” she said.

“It may also look like the hair is thinning more diffusely and your parting may become wider or your ponytail may look less tight.

“Also if you notice that clumps of hair are missing and your scalp has shiny, smooth patches.”

She had some tips for healthy hair, including a balanced diet, scalp massages, regular hair cuts, stress reduction, and balancing the gut microbiome.

“The sooner you address any hair loss problems, the better,” she said.

“Hair can be restored for up to eight to ten years, depending on the type of hair loss.

“As soon as you notice problem areas, see a trichologist.”

Mallam is a trichologist at hair care brand Freewill, which focuses on hair cycles


Mallam is a trichologist at hair care brand Freewill, which focuses on hair cyclesPhoto credit: Freewill

By Olivia

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