I have not seen a region with better opportunities and talent than the RGV – Rio Grande Guardian

After examining all economic data and current developments, Mexico is likely to become the tenth largest economy in the world.

Everyone in this room knows why: nearshoring.

However, we also know that the center of nearshoring will be the border between the United States and Mexico.

I would therefore like to extend my warmest congratulations and sincere thanks to the authorities of the City of Pharr for their foresight in conceiving a project of this magnitude.

The Pharr Global Business Hub is a fertile ground for international companies like ours that want to grow into global enterprises. It provides a structured learning environment for every aspect of business expansion, from the fundamentals to the Kaufman strategy.

Learn how to integrate their products or services with i-Korp and how to connect and become a part of the region.

As Mr. Pacino said in the movie “Scent of a Woman,” “I’ve traveled a lot, you know.”

From one of my current positions as Latin American Chairman of the International Association of Microsoft Partners, I have had contact with most of the major cities in the Americas, from Buenos Aires to Seattle and New York, passing through Uruguay, Peru, Bogotá, San Jose de Costa Rica, Mexico, San Diego, LA, San Jose in California, Denver, Austin, Houston, Dallas, Chicago, New Jersey, Philadelphia and others.

Please believe me, I have not seen a region with a better combination of opportunities

Talent, vision, authorities, academy, bilingual skills than the Rio Grande Valley.

All future businesses will be technology-based. But with AI, the future is already here, and the place for that future is the Pharr Global Business Hub.

To conclude my participation, I would like to thank the Rio Grande Valley region for accepting our company as their own and giving us the opportunity to realize our dream of becoming a global company.

Special thanks to Linda Ufland of ECC (UTRGV Entrepreneurship and Commercialization Center), Julio Quiroga of ECC, Ron Garza of UTRGV and Dr. James Li of UTRGV.

They are a crucial part of our journey.

Thank you all very much.

Editor’s Note: The above guest column was written by Eduardo Cerda, chairman of La Asociación Internacional de Socios de Canal de Microsoft. Cerda wrote the column as prepared remarks for his speech at the official opening of the Pharr Global Business Hub in downtown Pharr. The Hub is a joint collaboration between the Pharr Economic Development Corporation and UT-Rio Grande Valley.

By Olivia

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