Incident of road aggression ends with brutal knockout

There are rare cases of road rage where those involved come away feeling good. Despite this knowledge, there is no shortage of people who are ready and willing to behave in this way.

Some people experience something beyond their control when they are behind the wheel. They follow other vehicles, wait for them to stop, get out and then start hitting them.

This doesn’t make sense and in most cases, what has upset one or both drivers isn’t worth it. This is one of those cases of road rage that falls into the “not worth it” category.

It all started when one of the drivers turned left too late in front of the other. It’s definitely an unacceptable maneuver, but it’s definitely not one you do to confront the other driver.

You keep driving, let the anger build up, and drive home to take your anger out on your family. This guy had other plans. He immediately turns around and drives back to confront the other driver who stopped after turning in front of the other vehicle.

The driver puts his vehicle, which apparently belongs to the company, into park and jumps out at full speed. The other driver gets out to meet him and after a brief exchange of words, the driver gives the other a flying headbutt.

For the aggressive driver, fighting here does not end well

He continues to attack his stunned opponent when another guy comes jogging up to finish things off. This third guy then becomes the focus of the angry driver’s energy.

He hits the attempted peacemaker with a punch and a knee strike, causing the guy to back away. The angry driver continues to move forward, leaving the guy trying to break up the fight no choice but to strike in return.

The right hook hit the button and knocked the aggressor unconscious. This is undoubtedly not the first time he has struck.

However, it may be the first time he is teaching a lesson, namely, “Sometimes it’s better to keep going.” As the children say, those who play silly games win silly prizes.

By Olivia

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