Just thoughts about the start of school and the August storms


I can’t believe school is starting again. My brother and I were in Louisville, Kentucky last Tuesday for our niece’s husband’s funeral and learned that all of our great nieces and nephews are going back to school on Thursday (August 8th). I asked if they would be going to school year round and the answer was no.

It’s not even mid-August yet. Poor kids will be spending the rest of the month in the classroom when they could be in the pool or wading pool in 80-degree temperatures. But so are most kids in Central Ohio, because I see that for most, it starts on August 14th, and for others, it starts on the day after Labor Day, September 3rd.

Meanwhile, Tropical Storm Debby is slowly moving northeast, dumping massive amounts of rain and flooding many major highways – especially along the East Coast. Although the storm tracked along the coast, we had heavy winds and rain in Ohio, as well as power outages. Several have reported that these strange and dangerous storms are due to climate change. Hmm. If that’s the case, I only see more dangerous storms in the future.

I have to tell a nice story from the funeral. The priest gave the eulogy and quoted several Bible passages. He said that our deceased family member wanted him (the priest) to emphasize the way to heaven according to the Bible.

He said, “I’m sure you all want to go to heaven so you can see your loved ones again.” Little 7-year-old Liam said straight out and no, he didn’t want to go to heaven because you have to die to get there and he didn’t want to die now. That was coming from children, but hey, he was listening.

Fall sports, both high school and the Buckeyes

We’re excited for the end of the month as the Ohio State Buckeyes take on Akron at 3:30pm on August 31st at the Horseshoe. This avid Buckeye fan is excited to see what this talented team can do this year.

High school sports also begin returning to school this month. I wish all athletes the best for a successful and injury-free season. Participating in a team sport – whether it be athletics or music – is great preparation for students later in life as they learn discipline, respect, the benefits of teamwork, and more.

As I leave, I would like to leave you with this quote from Helen Keller: “Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much.” This applies to all facets of life, whether school, sports, politics, relationships… you know what I mean.

Until next week, take care and be kind.

Brenda Donegan is a former Marion Star staff writer. She can be reached at [email protected].

By Olivia

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