Kamala Harris’ new economic plan calls for price controls: Letters

The topic: The economic plan proposed by Vice President Kamala Harris with the aim of winning the election.

Vice President Kamala Harris announced an economic program for her presidential campaign that combines handouts with a Soviet-style solution (“Kam’ie in $1.7B bid to buy WH,” August 17).

The handouts include $6,000 for families with newborns and wage increases for union members.
The Soviet-style solution is price controls, a strategy that has historically failed in other countries and is unlikely to succeed here. And Americans are already wary of government-imposed prices on everything from groceries to tires.

Like her boss, President Biden, Harris has not shown a deep understanding of the economy. Neither of them seems concerned about the ineffectiveness of handouts and price controls.

Richard Klitzberg

Princeton, New Jersey

It’s simple: price controls create shortages, shortages create desperation, and desperation creates more government controls.

Gary Markman

Beacon Falls, Connecticut.

The Democratic circus is coming to Chicago this week, led by a bevy of politicians and the star of the show: price-control queen Harris (“Democrats will field an A-team in Chicago,” August 19).

The motto? “We’re not going back.” Well, “back” wasn’t so bad – $2.20 in gas, 1.4% inflation, a secure border, the building of the wall, no wars and no migrants spreading. But forward, comrades.

Joe Alloy

Wayne, NJ

Harris’ first unveiling of her economic plan for the future of this country was as incoherent and nonsensical as her fondness for yellow school buses.

For a candidate who claims to want to move the country forward, her proposals for price controls and generous government handouts seem more like a trip “Back to the Future.”

If she becomes president, she will have enough garbage to power her DeLorean while our country returns to the poverty lines of the former Soviet Union and communist Cuba of the 1970s.

Jack Kaufman

Naples, Florida.

Vote hunting is not the preserve of one party. But the extent to which Harris is promising a utopia in this presidential campaign is extreme.

Ron Wasserman

Freehold, NJ

There is no such thing as “greedflation.”

Those who play the gender, race and class struggle card to manipulate the American people are now making false claims about corporate greed or extortionate prices while the economy stalls under their watch.

They exploit their voters’ envy of successful people, billionaires and corporate leaders – and stoke hatred against those who provide the goods and services that contribute to a good life.

At the same time, they obscure the fact that high taxes and excessive government spending, as well as interventions such as price controls, are the real causes of the miserable economic situation we are experiencing under their leadership.

Charles Sitero

Orlando, Florida.

The genie is out of the bottle. Harris’ economic plan would make any communist dictator very happy.
I can’t wait to hear what she plans to do about our southern border, which she herself caused to be destroyed and which has put our country in great danger, or how she plans to address out-of-control crime and a world increasingly plagued by war.

Robert DiNardo


Well, she finally did it. Kamala Harris has shown her true colors – there is no doubt in my mind that she is a communist. Her intention is to turn this country into a fully socialist state (if it is not already on that path).

Their economic policy proposals make their intentions clear. Price and rent controls are at the heart of their efforts to make American citizens dependent on the government.

I guess she never took basic economics in college because, as everyone should know, this policy leads to food shortages and long lines at bread stores like we have seen in Russia in the past.

So, Americans, you have a choice: Harris and communism or former President Donald Trump and prosperity.

Richard Ketay

Newark, NJ

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By Olivia

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