Learn about Pitt’s sports, traditions, rivals and recent winning teams.

One of the most important parts of college life is sports. They build school pride and are a fun thing to do with classmates.

I’m not saying that sports are the most important thing to do in college, but sports are one of the things that make college life so great and are definitely something that everyone who attends the University of Pittsburgh should experience and enjoy.

However, before you attend Pitt sporting events, there are a few important things you should know.


We say “Hail to Pitt!” — often. Pitt fans may say it at least 20 times during a game — if the Panthers are doing well. You also often hear the signature “Let’s go Pitt” chants at Pitt games. I can’t forget the classic “PI…TT” cheer that quickly turns into a “Let’s go Pitt” chant.

A fan favorite at Pitt sporting events is Neil Diamond’s “Sweet Caroline” when the crowd is fired up. At Pitt football games, Neil Diamond’s timeless classic is played after the third quarter to get Panthers fans pumped up for a crucial fourth quarter. Throughout the song, Pitt added his touch to it by saying “Go Pitt” or “Let’s go Pitt” during the textless breaks during “Sweet Caroline.”


Rivalries are what make sports great. They raise the stakes in games where pride is the only thing on the line. Pitt’s biggest rival is West Virginia University, located in Morgantown, West Virginia, just 75 miles down I-79 from Oakland.

When the two teams compete against each other, it is called a Backyard Brawl because the two schools are so close to each other. Last school year Pitt lost in football against West Virginia 17-6 in one of Pitt’s worst offensive games. But Pitt took revenge in basketball and won 80-63.

Similar to Pitt, West Virginia also uses “Sweet Caroline” during its games to get the home crowd excited. But unlike Pitt, West Virginia does not use the intermissions to cheer on their team. Instead, they beg and plead with the Pitt fans to eat the excretions of their rear end, even in games where the Mountaineers do not play against the Panthers.

A simple tip for freshmen who don’t know how to respond is to tell the Mountaineer fans the score is “13-9.” That infamous 13-9 score dates back to when the Pitt football team traveled to Morgantown in 2007 and defeated West Virginia, denying the then-#2 ranked Mountaineers a chance to win their first national championship.

Pitt and Penn State also have a rivalry, but it has cooled down since the two teams haven’t played each other in basketball or football since 2019. After a break of several years, Pitt returns to play Penn State in volleyball, which should be at least as entertaining as a football or basketball game between the two teams.

Teams in focus

Pitt students must pay $150 to attend Pitt football and basketball games. Cheering with the student groups, Panther Pitt and Oakland Zoo all season long is an unforgettable experience.

If $150 isn’t worth it to you, Pitt offers several programs for national championship participants that make attending games free as long as you have a Pitt ID and reserve your tickets before the games sell out.

These three teams play on the upper campus at the Fitzgerald Field House — where Jerome sent it in – And Ambrose Urbanic Field.

The best team of the University of Pittsburgh and probably the best team in Pittsburgh – Pitt Volleyball – plays in the Fitzgerald Field House. The Panthers played in three consecutive Final Fours and have never had such a good chance of winning a national championship as this year.

Under the leadership of head coach Dan Fisher, Pitt Volleyball has excelled year after year. For their 2024 season, the Panthers will return four All-Americans, including AVCA Freshman of the Year, sideline forward Olivia Babcock, and ACC Setter of the Year, senior Rachel Fairbanks.

Ambrose Urbanic Field is home to two football teams capable of making long runs in the postseason.

Last season, Pitt women’s soccer had one of the best seasons in program history. The Panthers made it to the Elite Eight and finished the season with the highest ranking of all time for the program at number 6Head coach Randy Waldrum – who also coaches the Nigeria women’s national soccer team – is improving the Panthers every year and could soon help Pitt advance to the College Cup, the Final Four of college soccer.

The 2023 Pitt men’s soccer season was not as pretty as the Pitt women’s, as they lost in the first round of the tournamentHowever, head coach Jay Vidovich’s team is looking to make a comeback after their attempt to win the 2022 College Cup.

When they’re not studying, students should stay informed about Pitt’s sporting events throughout the year.

By Olivia

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