Lessons from spreading joy

Good Things Guy celebrates nine successful years and shares five important lessons he’s learned from spreading positivity and joy.

Johannesburg, South Africa (August 25, 2024) – Good Things Guy is celebrating its 9th anniversary, a milestone that is nothing short of extraordinary in the business world.

Considering that 18.4% of all businesses fail in their first year and a staggering 49.7% don’t survive the first five years, reaching this milestone is a momentous occasion.

Throughout this incredible journey, I have learned invaluable lessons that have not only shaped the success of Good Things Guy, but have also enriched my life in countless ways.

Here are the top five lessons learned from running this amazing company.

1. If you put your ideas into action, your dreams can come true

Nine years ago, I started a small website with a simple idea: to share good news with South Africa. What I didn’t know then was how this concept would change my life and the lives of many South Africans. That small idea grew into one of the leading good news websites in South Africa, giving me a purpose and the best job title in the world.

The platform has grown from a one-man operation to a whole team dedicated to bringing good news to South Africans every day. Good Things Guy’s reach is astonishing, with its highest monthly reach being over 10 million people. Our weekly videos with PriMedia Malls reach an additional 30 million South Africans. That’s an incredible number of people engaging with our good news.

2. Good news sells

It is a widely held belief that good news doesn’t sell, but the last nine years have proven otherwise.
Good Things Guy has grown into a thriving company that employs real journalists, all dedicated to covering positive messages. We’ve debunked the myth that only bad news gets attention. Instead, we’ve shown that people crave uplifting and inspirational stories and are willing to support a platform that delivers just that.

3. Consistency is key

From the beginning, consistency has been at the core of Good Things Guy’s success.

Starting with a Facebook page and launching the website in 2014, I worked tirelessly for seven years without taking a single day off. Every day, rain or shine, holiday or pandemic, I wrote and published articles. At first it was just one article a day, but that quickly turned into three, then six, and now our team can publish up to 15 pieces of good news every day.

Dedication, hard work and tireless persistence have paid off, proving that consistency, perhaps mixed with a little pinch of obsession, is crucial to success.

4. Sometimes it will be hard

Running a business isn’t always a walk in the park. There have been tough days and moments of doubt, but overcoming these challenges fosters growth and improvement.

Every obstacle was an opportunity to learn, adapt and emerge stronger.

5. You can’t do everything alone

One of the most important lessons is the power of community. It truly does take a village to build something meaningful. I am deeply grateful to everyone who has contributed to Good Things Guy’s journey.

Thank you to the followers and readers, the web team, the writers, the content creators and the retail media partners. Thank you to our incredible customers and supporters. Your continued support, sharing and belief in the good things are what keeps us going.

As we celebrate nine incredible years, I am filled with gratitude and excitement for the future. Good Things Guy promises to continue to look for, find and report on joy. Thank you for being part of this journey.

Here’s to many more years of good news and positive stories. If you keep coming to us, we’ll keep bringing you good things.

Sources: Brent Lindeque | Good Things Guy
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Do you have something to add to this story? Please share it in the comments or follow GoodThingsGuy on Facebook & Þjórsárdalur to stay up to date with good news as it happens, or share your good news with us by clicking here or cClick the link below to listen to the Good Things Guy podcast with Brent Lindeque – South Africa’s very own Good Things Guy. He’s on a mission to change the world’s attention and he firmly believes there is good news all around us. On the Good Things Guy podcast, you’ll meet these everyday heroes and hear their incredible stories:

Or watch an episode of Good Things TV below, a show designed to bring balance to South Africans in a world where bad news seems to be a constant spree. We’re here to remind you that there are still so many good things happening in South Africa, and you’ll be more proud to be South African.

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By Olivia

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