Louisville Nature Center searches for 2 missing box turtles


Officials at the Louisville Nature Center are demanding the return of two male box turtles after they were removed from their outdoor enclosure over the weekend.

When Nature Center staff returned to the Illinois Avenue facility Monday morning, they found that a cinder block had been removed from the enclosure and only three of the usual five turtles were inside, said executive director Rebecca Minnick.

“This is all pretty disappointing,” she said.

One of the missing turtles, Chocolate, a favorite of staff and students, is unable to dig a hole to hibernate in, meaning nature center staff must bring her indoors during the winter. The turtle, which the center estimates to be about 15 years old, also cannot fully retreat into its shell for protection, Minnick said. The deformities are the result of Chocolate not being properly cared for by a previous owner and may have been abandoned since she was found wandering the nature center’s grounds several years ago.

If Chocolate and the second missing turtle, Jack, were released outside the nature center, it would be difficult to find them because they can easily adapt to their environment, Minnick said.

Since Monday, Minnick said, the Nature Center has been in touch with Louisville Metro Animal Services and a nearby pet store to find out if turtles like Chocolate and Jack had been surrendered. The center also used social media to spread the word.

Minnick said the Nature Center does not want to press charges against anyone, they just want the turtles back.

“We’ve heard of people offering their turtles, but we don’t want any other turtles, just our own,” Minnick said. “We’re grateful for the community’s response.”

Reach reporter Leo Bertucci at [email protected] or @leober2chee on X, formerly known as Twitter

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