Miss Manners: Credit card debt is ruining my life

DEAR MISS MANNERS: I admit that I have messed up my financial situation, and because of that, it will be at least three or four years before I can even apply for credit. That responsibility is mine; I don’t blame anyone else. I also understand that retail employees are under pressure to offer customers their store’s credit card and will do their best to get the customer to fill out an application right there and then, often in front of other customers. I know employees who have been disciplined when they fail to make that secondary sale (separate from the merchandise). Such punishment can mean having their hours drastically reduced or being put on undesirable shifts. I don’t want to make the employee unhappy, cause him to lose wages or even lose his job, but I need to protect my own finances. One way to restore my credit is to not apply for any cards in the foreseeable future. How do I politely say “no” without embarrassing myself or getting the employee in trouble?

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DEAR READER: By keeping in mind that you can be turned down for a new credit card for reasons other than bad credit. Who knows? Maybe you have so many credit cards that keeping track of yet another one would simply be a burden.

(Please send your questions to Miss Manners on her website,; to your email, [email protected]; or by mail to Miss Manners, Andrews McMeel Syndication, 1130 Walnut St., Kansas City, MO 64106.)

By Olivia

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