Naive hacker tries to scam a chat app user. Check out this guy’s hilarious response

For LINE, protecting user privacy and supporting a stable service are top priorities as we continue to provide the most dynamic services that can be trusted anywhere in the world.

Some cases have shown that personal information obtained from other, weakly protected sources can be misused for unauthorized access on LINE if the user uses the same login ID and password for multiple services.

As LINE becomes more and more popular worldwide, LINE would like to remind its users to protect their personal information by using a unique password for LINE and changing it regularly. It is also important that users do not publicly disclose their IDs.

Additionally, users can choose the “Reject message” setting to stop receiving messages from unknown contacts and block or report contacts that send spam messages or links containing malware. Users should also be extra cautious about any content or links they receive from unknown contacts.

(Version update 4.5.0 and migration PIN code)

With the release of version 4.5.0, LINE has taken an additional measure to further improve user security.

Users who log in using only a Facebook account must register with their phone number or email address. If they register using only the email address, setting up a migration PIN code is also required. The migration PIN code feature allows users to set up a four-digit mobile security code. To prevent unauthorized use of personal account information, LINE users can use the same PIN code to log in and access their account information even if they change their mobile device.

(How to prevent fraud)

The recent reports of scams are actually compromised accounts, where personal information from other, poorly protected sources is misused to gain unauthorized access to the user’s LINE account. To prevent such cases, LINE would like to remind users to be cautious when using the service to avoid losses due to fraud or scams.

1) Be careful about the content/links you send and receive.

2) Do not make your ID public.

3) Change your passwords regularly.

4) Select the “Reject message” setting to stop receiving messages from unknown contacts.

5) Block or report the contact(s) who send you spam messages or links containing viruses/malware.”

In addition to the official statement above, LINE would like to point out that the gift card scam actually involves compromised accounts. LINE requires login credentials such as email address or other SNS accounts. If the user uses the same personal information for other poorly protected sources, it can be easily accessed and misused for unauthorized access to the user’s LINE account. For better clarity, LINE has provided the definition of both terms below:

Hacking is generally defined as attempting to gain access to systems to which one is not authorized by modifying hardware and/or software. This is usually extremely difficult to do on large systems and only a very small and select group of people have the necessary skills and resources.

Compromise is something completely different and is often referred to as phishing. This is where the attacker reveals or leaks information about the victim. This can happen in many different ways, either by unknowingly telling someone or by not using proper security measures. Things like weak passwords and easily guessed “secret questions”.

By Olivia

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