Neighbours should support the plan for accommodation on the Cape

As a resident of the Town of Dennis, I was disappointed to read that the Dennis Planning Board is not actively supporting the Housing Assistance Corp. in its plan to convert a former nursing home in Dennis into a family shelter (“2 Cape Towns Clash With Nonprofit Over Homeless Assistance Plans,” page A1, Aug. 10). The HAC is a well-established organization with a long history of commitment to creating affordable housing on the Cape. It has responded appropriately to the Town’s concerns. The Cape Cod Commission saw no need to review the HAC plan because it would not have significant regional environmental, transportation or other areas that would require review.

Homelessness is a tragedy. My experiences providing medical care to the homeless in Boston, New York, and New Orleans made me acutely aware of the pain and trauma that comes with not having a home. There are many reasons for homelessness. It is not difficult to imagine that any of us or our families could become homeless.

I urge my neighbors in Dennis (and neighboring Harwich) to show their understanding and do their part to end homelessness here on the Cape and in Massachusetts by letting members of the Dennis Planning Board and Harwich Select Board know that they support the HAC plan.

Roberta Berrien


By Olivia

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