Netflix hired an actor to embarrass Ohio State’s fan base… and I have proof

So the Connor Stalions documentary turned out to be a smear campaign, except for the part where Dave Portnoy ratted him out for being on the sidelines at Central Michigan, even though he and his lawyer tried their best to keep it a secret. But other than that, it was so obviously one-sided and fabricated to portray Stalions as a victim that only the dumbest people in the entire world… well, never mind, I won’t say that. But what I will say is that the biggest question mark I had about the documentary was NOT…

1. How Connor Stalions could remember over 2,000 sideline signals but couldn’t remember if he went to the Central Michigan/Michigan State game in disguise.

2. How the entire Michigan staff was completely in the dark about what the Stallions were doing while the entire Ohio State staff knew so well we even hacked their email (Shoutout Birm)

And those weren’t the most important questions I had. The most important question I have is which actor Netflix paid to make Ohio State fans look so embarrassed:

The odds of this being an Ohio State fan are 0.0%. This is the biggest clown Michigan, Netflix and Portnoy could find to control the narrative and further their own agenda. The idea that Netflix, a $294 billion company, had to settle for some random guy who didn’t even want to show his fan to represent the largest fan base in the world is a travesty. No, they knew exactly what they were doing. I just couldn’t prove it…

So I watched. I woke up at 2 a.m. and was the very first person to see the documentary, and I was live tweeting the whole time. And I kept watching and watching and watching. I needed to prove to the public that Ohio State fans were NOT embarrassing and NOT crazy. And by the time I watched it for about the eighth time, I found the proof I needed.

You mean to tell me that “Brohio” and his workplace have no memorabilia except… a WOLVERINE?

Not a damn chance. There isn’t a Buckeye on the planet who has a desk like this one, which doesn’t feature Scarlet and Gray, but a blue and yellow Wolverine. Not to mention a guy who thinks he’s a superfan who calls himself “Brohio”…

Case closed. And the fact that they went to such lengths to embarrass Ohio State invalidates everything else in the video. Except the part where Portnoy blew the whistle on the Stalions. That part was real.

By Olivia

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