News and announcements from the community center

As I write news and notes this week, it is cold, damp, wet and just plain gross. And that’s how the weather was almost all weekend! But be patient. At the end of the week, the weather will be nice, sunny and moderately warm again. In the meantime, the grass, trees, plants and everything green (and other colors…) that grows are doing very well.

And the winner is… Here’s another opportunity to win 10 more lobsters. The drawing will be on August 29th, just in time for Labor Day weekend! We’ll be selling tickets at the Farmers Market every Thursday morning in August, and of course you can buy your tickets (lots of them) at the Community Center Monday through Friday from 10am-2pm. The ticket prices are the same: one ticket is $15, three tickets are $30. Each ticket is potentially worth 10 beautiful lobsters donated by Atlantic Edge Lobstermen.

Scam! Swindle! Ouch! The Community Centre, in conjunction with Bath Savings Bank, is offering a free fraud prevention seminar on Wednesday 12 September from 12:30pm to 2pm. As we all know, fraudsters are becoming more and more creative and pervasive. Please mark 12 September from 12:30pm to 2pm in your calendars to come to the Community Centre and take advantage of this important opportunity to prevent yourself from being scammed!

And here’s a little planning ahead. Judy Milinowski will be bringing her QiJong class back to the community center this fall when the weather gets cooler. In the meantime, Judy is teaching her class outside at the Spruce Point Inn on Mondays and Fridays from 11 a.m. to noon. Come join us!

Now some sad news: The Community Center is looking for my successor. I have decided to retire at the end of August, long after Uncle Sam tells me I can retire. We are looking for someone who is organized and proficient with a computer (Word, Excel, etc.), our website and social media, and who will be a friendly face at the Community Center four hours a day. Please call 633-9876 or email

And last but not least, fresh veggies arrive every Friday morning (and sometimes Monday morning) during the summer. The veggies are very generously donated by Town Village Foodbank Farm and Veggies to Table. Get your bag ready to drop them off on Mondays (sometimes) and Fridays by 2pm during the summer!

Here is our schedule from August 26th to 30th:

Monday, August 26: Drop-in knitting 10am-12pm; Inner Peace 1pm-2pm

Tuesday, August 27: Mah Jongg 10:00–12:30

Wednesday, August 28: Cribbage 12:30-14:00

Thursday, August 29: Mexican Train Dominoes and Cribbage 10:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m.; Mah Jongg 10:00 a.m.–12:30 p.m.

Friday, August 30: Scrabble and Rummikub 12:00–14:00; Bye-Bye Lee 14:00

Puzzles, coffee, tea, treats and good fellowship are available all week long. Please save us from eating too many treats ourselves by coming along and sharing our snacks with us. And we always welcome new faces and fresh ideas!

By Olivia

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