Nick Wayne reveals the best advice Christian Cage ever gave him

Nick Wayne learns a lot from his patriarch.

WrestleZone Editor-in-Chief Bill Pritchard recently spoke with Wayne about his relationship with Christian Cage in the Patriarchy. Wayne was asked to share the best advice Christian gave him during their time together, both in and out of the ring.

“In the ring, definitely promos. Absolutely promos. He’s probably the best talker in professional wrestling, so definitely promos,” Wayne explained. “I always thought promos were my weak point for some reason. But having him there and helping me with promos and stuff like that was a big help to me.”

Wayne said he has noticed his own progress and feels more confident speaking, and that Christian’s criticism of his work in the ring has also been a great help.

“He watches all my games and criticizes them. I ask him, ‘Please criticize me. I want to get better.’ That definitely helps. It’s also very helpful to have him so close that you can message him, call him or talk to him at any time.”

Nick Wayne on his relationship with Christian outside of wrestling

Outside of the ring, Wayne says he has a very close bond with Christian. He says Christian sees a lot of himself in Wayne and praises him for fulfilling his potential as a wrestler.

“I’ve met his family, so it’s kind of an emotional bond outside of the ring. He just talks to us as people, putting the wrestling aside for a minute,” Wayne added. “We actually have a lot in common as people, as wrestlers, things we’ve been through in wrestling and in life. So I feel like he sees me as a younger version of himself. He constantly tells me, ‘Thank you for proving to me why I wanted to work with you.’ That was the biggest blessing for me when he told me that.”

Watch our full interview with Nick Wayne below:

Read more: Matt Hardy: Christian Cage is happy to be the asshole, he’s one of the elite heels

By Olivia

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