Notes on the Cranston Senior Enrichment Center

Our programs support, inform, entertain and enrich the lives of people aged 55 and over.

Meditation … An Introduction

“Ensure peace and quiet”

Wednesday, August 21, 10 a.m.

Moderator: Marge Borbe

Why should you meditate? What are the benefits of meditation? Marge will also introduce you to the upcoming six-week meditation workshop starting in September.

Colleen Kelly Mellor: Author, supervisor

Tuesday, 24 September, 6.30 p.m.

Cranston Public Library, 140 Sockanosset Cross Road

Colleen will share her experiences as a caregiver for over 10 years and share her latest book, “Az and Me: A Partner’s Journey with Alzheimer’s.” For more information and to register, call 401-780-6000 or email [email protected].

Let’s get in shape: There is something for everyone!

Chair Exercises…Chair Zumba…Chair Yoga…Aerobics…Zumba…Tai Chi Chuan…Exercises Made Easy…Balance, Strength and Flexibility…Ballroom Dance Classes, Line Dancing…For more information call 401-780-6216.

Memories for a healthy brain

Move, move, more, keep moving!

Enjoy healthy meals.

Take care of your physical health.

Sleep well!

Take care of our mental health.

Check hearing and vision.

Be a lifelong learner.

Are you researching me?

Are you an older adult who would like to participate in a study?

Rhode Island Hospital and Miriam Hospital are conducting a study to find new markers for the early detection of cognitive decline in Alzheimer’s dementia.

Who is eligible to participate? Adults aged 60 and over with and without a family history of Alzheimer’s dementia.

Information: You will be asked to perform computer tasks that require you to look at images and press buttons. While you complete these tasks, you will wear a cap that measures the electrical activity of your brain. The cap is non-invasive and will not cause pain.

The study includes 1-2 study visits, paper and pencil tests and cognitive tests.

Compensation will be provided for participation in this study.

For more information, please contact Julia Sinople at [email protected] or call 401-444-9061.

Our wellness team is happy to help YOU!

Nurse: Tuesdays from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., Wednesdays from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Pharmacist: Tuesday & Thursday, 9.00 a.m. – 12.00 p.m.

Follow us

For the latest news from Cranston Senior Enrichment Center, follow us on Twitter@cranstonsenior.

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Or the Senior Center website:

By Olivia

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