Operation Heal Wayne

This fundraiser is to help Heather and Wayne with any expenses such as gas, food, and even shelter should they need it. Any unused funds will be donated to a charity of Wayne’s choice.

In case you haven’t heard, we’ve had a crazy few days. In case you haven’t heard, Heather’s post is below.

We thank God for His protecting and healing hands. It could have been a lot worse. On Thursday morning Wayne was unloading some gates in College Station. One fell off the trailer and hit his back, knocking him off balance and falling to the ground. He suffered three serious injuries and had to undergo six hours of emergency surgery Thursday afternoon. He dislocated his left hip, which was put back in place in the emergency room. He also had a dislocated left ankle with an open fracture. The ankle was put back in place, debrided and stitched in the emergency room. The worst injury is his back. He suffered a spinal injury at T11 and T12 and lost all feeling in his leg. They took him straight to the OR on Thursday night. The surgery took about six hours. He was in the ICU on Thursday night and was moved to a private room on Friday morning. This morning he still doesn’t feel touch, but he has numbness in his legs. Last night he had his legs put back in place by his nurse because his knee was causing discomfort. His neurosurgeon is extremely pleased with his progress. The plan for the future is pain management and rehab. We are hoping to find out if he will be accepted into rehab in Houston. Once he is accepted he will be transferred and begin rehab. He will be in rehab for a minimum of 27 days. Where he goes from here is up to God’s plans. We rely on Him and trust in Him. He is the ultimate healer and comforter. We want to say a huge thank you to all of our family and friends for all of the help and support. We couldn’t have done it without you! We now understand what it means that it takes a village. We will get through this by taking it one step at a time. GOD HAS IT UNDER HANDLE!!!

By Olivia

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