Opinion | Five things I wish I had known as a new student

As I begin my final semester as an undergraduate, I can’t stop thinking about my first semester move-in. In my three years at Pitt so far, I’ve learned so many valuable lessons and made so many great memories, but it took a little trial and error to get there.

Here are five things that made my college years the best time of my life and are important lessons for anyone entering their freshman year to make the most of their college years.

Say yes to everything

While I don’t believe you should actually say yes to every crazy thing that comes your way, putting yourself out there is one of the most important steps to making friends and having fun. I found that during the first two weeks of school, saying yes to every social event with everyone I met was the best way to stay busy and figure out what I enjoy and who I enjoy spending time with. There will always be time to relax, but getting out of your comfort zone can help you feel comfortable and settled in at Pitt.

Even after the year began, I tried to keep reminding myself that my time as a student was limited and to say “yes” as often as possible. Whether it was visiting a different neighborhood, attending a party, going to the dining hall, exploring academic opportunities, or taking interesting classes, each decision could be a great experience to look back on when reflecting on your time at Pitt.

Try something new

Having spent a lot of time playing music growing up, I knew I wanted to join an a cappella group. I didn’t start exploring it further until last year when I discovered how much I enjoyed other activities and clubs as well.

I wish I had known right away to join an organization that wasn’t necessarily in my comfort zone, because college is so important to branch out, meet different types of people, and explore other interests. This is the time to learn about yourself and figure out what you like to do, so diversifying your hobbies can be a great way to do that.

Prioritize mental health

In my worst moments, during exam week or a particularly busy time of the semester, I had to remember to slow down and take a breath. School is incredibly important, but nothing is more important than your well-being. By remembering to put less pressure on myself and allowing myself to make mistakes, I was able to perform better in class.

Ultimately, creating balance will help you succeed, and knowing when to stop is just as important as working hard.

Leaving campus

My biggest regret at Pitt is not getting out of Oakland enough. While I love spending time on campus, how could I live in Pittsburgh and not make the most of it? There are so many neighborhoods to visit and so many great things to do, and I should have started exploring the city much earlier in my time here.

Planning a little trip out of Oakland was one of the most fun things I did with my friends my freshman year. You can pick any neighborhood you want and make a day of it, treat yourself to something sweet and just walk around. Since I’m considering potentially moving out of Pittsburgh, there’s still so much to see and so many places to go, so starting to make that bucket list early is ideal.

Take advantage of Pitt’s resources

As I’m about to graduate, I’m no longer able to take advantage of all of my Pitt benefits. I’ve always tried to make the most of my student life and attend exciting events on and off campus. However, I missed two Bigelow Bashes during my time here and will forever regret that decision, because why would anyone miss a free concert?

Make sure you use these resources every chance you get to have fun and improve your academic performance. Take advantage of your meal plan every day, go to the library or another building to study, visit the Carnegie Museums when you’re bored, use the free public transportation often – do it all.

Being a new student is both scary and exciting, but if you make an effort to enjoy your time and build a life here, it can be a great time for new experiences and great friends.

Delaney Rauscher Adams does not want to finish her degree. You can reach her at (email protected)

By Olivia

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