Our God gives better gifts – The Fort Morgan Times

Then Jesus explained: “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never hunger.
Whoever believes in me will never thirst.” John 6:35

The people were amazed and overwhelmed. Jesus performed the most amazing miracle! He
fed over 5,000 people. Nothing like this has been seen or heard since the ancient prophets.
These people wanted to make Jesus their king, because who could lead better than someone who
can feed people at any time.

Jesus was someone better than a simple bread king, but people didn’t understand that.
Through the miracle of feeding the 5,000, Jesus did not tell the people that they were not
no longer needs to buy bread, but that he was the Son of God who had come to save the world from

We too can miss the point. How often do we get good things from God like a job, good crops or flocks, health, etc. and see God as just someone who gives us what we want? But God doesn’t give us those things, or if He gives someone else something better, do we feel like God isn’t doing His job? Do we sometimes see Jesus as just our bread king, just like people do?

But God is so much more than just a provider. He came to give us more than just happiness on earth or to make our lives easy and successful. He came to save us.

We needed a Savior who could defeat our enemies, and that is Jesus. He came and
saved us and gave us something we could never have achieved or accomplished on our own: eternal life in heaven. Jesus gave it to us and to the whole world.

Jesus said that whoever believes in Him will never hunger or thirst. This means that if you believe in Him, you will never lose this gift that He won for you. How do you keep your faith? Only through the Word of God can we keep our faith forever.

When we hold to the WHOLE Word of God and do not pick and choose what we believe, our gift of Jesus lasts forever. God gave us His Word so that we can remain faithful to Him by staying away from any person or teaching that tries to lead us away from Him and the gift He has won for us.

I am glad to have a Savior who gives me eternal life and helps me preserve it, just like you!

Jacob Hanneman is pastor of Shepherd of the Plains Lutheran Church in Fort Morgan. Services are held Sundays at 9 a.m. Online services can be found at

By Olivia

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