Peruvian footballer Sebastian Munoz urinates on the pitch, referee shows red card. Watch

A football player in Peru was shown a red card for urinating on the pitch. Yes, you read that right. Goals, skills and technique aside, the world of football often gives us hilarious moments that have nothing to do with the game itself. And in Peru, it happened again. Sebastian Munoz – who plays for Atletico Awajun in Peru’s third division – was involved in one of the most bizarre moments in history when he was sent off for urinating on the sidelines.

Atletico Awajun faced Cantorcillo FC in the Copa Peru on Sunday. With the score at 0-0, Awajun won a corner in the 71st minute, but the match was abandoned because Cantorcillo’s goalkeeper Lucho Ruiz was injured.

This was the beginning of the hilarious moment. Santiago Munoz had gone to the corner flag to take the set piece. But when he saw that there was a delay due to Ruiz’s injury, Munoz seized his chance. Alert Cantorcillo players saw Munoz urinating on the sidelines and immediately called the referee. It was as if Ruiz’s injury had already been forgotten.

Watch: Football player sent off for urinating on the pitch

Seconds later, the referee walked over to Munoz and showed him the red card.

Munoz was shocked by the referee’s decision but had no choice but to leave the field.

It is also not the first time that players have urinated on the pitch. Former Arsenal goalkeeper Jens Lehmann once jumped over advertising hoardings to relieve himself in the middle of a match, returning just in time to stop an opposition counterattack before the referee noticed him.

Even more famously, the legendary English striker had a bowel movement in the middle of a World Cup match in 1990. Due to an upset stomach, Lineker had no choice but to retire in a group match against Ireland.

Unfortunately for Sebastian Munoz, Lehmann or Lineker were never sent off. However, he joins an elusive list of people who have urinated or defecated on the pitch.

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By Olivia

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