Pilots reveal the 8 things they never do as airline passengers

Pilots told HuffPost about the things they never do on a plane – from boarding and taking off to landing and disembarking.

Pilots told HuffPost about the things they never do on a plane – from boarding and taking off to landing and disembarking. xavierarnau via Getty Images

When Pilots travel as passengers, bringing a unique perspective from the cockpit to the cabin. And their fellow travelers could learn a thing or two about what not to do.

HuffPost asked pilots what behaviors they generally avoid when flying as passengers.

Do not take off your shoes when going to the toilet.

“Many passengers understandably “Most pilots take their shoes off when they sit down to be more comfortable during the flight, but I always make sure to wear shoes in the toilet,” Stefán Dór Arnarsson, a pilot with Icelandic airline PLAY, told HuffPost.

The idea of Most passengers are put off by the mere fact that they have urine or other bodily fluids on their feet, but apparently some still tend to go to the toilet barefoot or even without socks.

“I would never go go to the bathroom barefoot,” said Michelle Gooris, a Charter airline Pilot who blogs under the name Dutch Pilot Girl. “How crazy is that?”

Do not get up until the plane is at the gate.

“I would never stand stand up in the aisle when the plane is not yet at the gate and the seatbelt is still fastened,” Gooris said. “Although this seems obvious, you would be surprised how often passengers actually stand up before the plane arrives at the gate.”

Not only is Although it is illegal to unbuckle your seatbelt while the light is still on, it can be dangerous, she said.

Pilots sometimes need to suddenly hit the brakes, Gooris said, such as when the plane’s docking system tells the pilot to wait. “You can imagine that people standing in the aisle are at high risk of injury.”

She also noticed that she would never stand up in the aisle when getting off the train until her turn had come.

Do not board without a drink.

“I always hold at the market or anywhere that sells bottled water and bring my own on board,” said Jeanie Carter, a pilot for the private airline Wheels Up.

“On commercial flights “It has been my experience that there are times when flight attendants are unable to serve refreshments due to a very short flight or reported turbulence,” Carter said, “which would make it unsafe for flight attendants to place the carts in the aisles.”

To avoid If you find yourself thirsty in these unexpected situations, buy a drink at the airport before boarding or fill up your refillable water bottle.

Don’t panic about turbulence.

“Turbulence is a “While it’s annoying for most people, the plane isn’t falling out of the sky,” Carter said. “And it’s usually not dangerous at all as long as you follow the flight crew’s instructions – stay seated and fasten your seatbelt when instructed to do so.”

Although turbulence If you’re feeling very scared, she recommends changing your mindset to help calm yourself down during particularly rough moments.

“I compare turbulence to riding in a boat,” Carter said. “In the boat, you can see the waves as you bounce along. Air is a fluid like water, but in the air, you can’t see the ‘waves.’ It’s perfectly safe and the plane can handle it.”

Do not put both bags in the luggage rack.

“At the beginning of my “Throughout my career, I have thrown both bags in the overhead bin on commercial flights and thought nothing of it until one of the last passengers to board looked so dejected that there was no room in the overhead bin for his suitcase,” Carter said.

In fact, many passengers Violate airline rules that limit carry-on baggage allocation to one bag for the overhead bin above your seat and one personal item for under the seat in front of you.

“Since that day I always carry my backpack under the seat in front of me now,” Carter added. “If everyone did this one small thing, traveling would be a lot easier for everyone.”

Do not leave the window blinds closed during takeoff and landing.

“I never leave the window shades closed during takeoff or landing,” said pilot and blogger Mindy Lindheim. “Not only does it give you the best view, but it also gives passengers the opportunity to act as an extra pair of eyes! Pilots can’t see much of the wings from the cockpit, so a passenger might be the first to notice something unusual and alert the flight crew.”

Nevertheless, she stressed that air travel remains safer than many travelers fear.

“We pilots prepare for the worst, but it rarely happens,” said Lindheim. “The drive to the airport is much more dangerous than the flight.”

Do not board until you are prepared.

“From a pilot’s perspective “From my point of view, I want the boarding process to be as smooth as possible,” Arnarsson said. “Before boarding begins, I organize my things so that I can get to my seat as quickly as possible. I take everything out of my overhead bag that I want to have at my seat during the flight.”

It only takes Taking a few minutes to check your belongings and make sure important items are where they belong is an easy way to reduce the amount of time you spend blocking the aisle and holding up others.

Don’t forget to thank the flight crew.

New health concerns The crises caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and passenger anger have made flight crews’ jobs riskier. In a difficult work climate, recognition of their work goes a long way.

“When I get off the plane, I always thank the flight crew,” Carter said. “I try to make it personal and thank them for getting me to my destination on time and safely. Even if the flight is delayed or the crew had to contend with bad weather, I always say thank you.”


By Olivia

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