Play Cartilage Free Captain Fantasy Football!

Well, the new Premier League season is due to start this weekend, so I guess it’s time for the annual fantasy football post. I think for the first time ever, I managed to actually get involved in fantasy last season, rather than forgetting I had a team by week 8. May it continue!

We have a tradition here at Cartilage Free Captain of creating a separate league for Cartilage Free readers so everyone can see how bad I am at fantasy football. And, well, I see no reason not to keep it up! Spoiler alert – I’m pretty bad!

So, now for the… what, fifth year in a row? I can’t even remember – I cordially invite you to join the Cartilage Free Captain fantasy league at (You will also automatically join the league using this link.)

I have renewed last year’s league, so if you were a participant last season, you should automatically be part of the Carty Free league. If not, or if you are new, click on the link above, create an account and join when prompted using the following league code: yfh3n0

This is a pool league, which means there are no head-to-head matches. There are also no prizes for winners, so consider this my congratulations to the eventual winner, you big nerd.

Have fun!

By Olivia

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