Practice makes perfect – PD test in Chambersburg on houses to be demolished for the new Wayne Ave Publics Works campus

August 22, 2024 – Reading textbooks and watching videos only gets you so far, and of course, that’s where practicing and actually applying what you’ve learned counts. So there’s good news for residents of the Borough of Chambersburg and the surrounding area, as Chambersburg firefighters have been practicing what they may have to do tomorrow on homes recently purchased by the Borough and slated for demolition.

The homes and businesses on the southwest side of Wayne Avenue in the borough were purchased by the borough council to create a new public works campus in the borough. The future campus will be a significant improvement over the current buildings near the intersection of W Loudon Street and Franklin Street in the borough. Earlier this year, borough public works director Chuck Nipe said that at the current location, “crews perform oil and hydraulic fluid changes and basic maintenance in the parking lot in all weather conditions.”

While the buildings purchased by the municipality on the site of the future campus have not yet been completely demolished, the Chambersburg Fire Department is taking the opportunity to practice roof entry and ventilation, as well as other work. On Wednesday evening, CFD worked at one of the houses, allowing News Talk 1037FM to visit the firefighters at work and in training.

So when you see firefighters outside the buildings on Wayne Avenue with huge signs indicating that they are county property, know that they are probably just there for training purposes. Of course, that training could get you and your loved ones out of a jam in the near future.

By Olivia

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