Prevention and treatment options for hair loss; Houston experts comment

There are six different types of hair loss. The reasons for hair loss range from genetic factors to tight hairstyles like braids, cornrows or buns. Knowing what type of hair loss you have can help doctors determine a treatment.


Anyone who fears thinning hair in the future should opt for natural hairstyles and gentle shampoos, according to Dr. Natalie Hone of The Skin People of Bellaire.

“You want to avoid things that damage the hair shaft. You want to moisturize the hair and avoid a lot of products that just thicken the hair and damage it, damage the hair roots,” Dr. Hone explained.



If you’re experiencing male or female pattern baldness, there’s something for everyone to try, no matter how long it’s been going on.

Dr. Hone said most people should start with over-the-counter shampoos and mousses containing minoxidil. The brand name more people know is Rogaine.


Dr Hone said that there is good data for drugs that have recently come onto the market to show that they are effective.

Platelet-rich plasma

PRP are injections into the scalp.

“We take your blood and we centrifuge it. We get the platelet-rich plasma, which is enriched with growth factors and all these wonderful ingredients, which we then inject into the scalp and that helps. It creates a great environment for the hair to grow really well,” said Dr. Hone. “You usually have to do about three sessions. The procedure is a little uncomfortable, but it’s very quick and your hair will be thicker, up to 30%.”

Hair transplantation

“With a transplant, hair is planted into the scalp and the natural hair then grows back like your own hair,” said Dr. Hone. “As long as you have the right diagnosis, it works really well. So if you have female pattern baldness, which is a genetic alopecia, it’s a great treatment.”


“There are biologic medications for certain types of hair loss. If you have absolutely no hair, there may actually be options for you, so the best thing to do is get yourself evaluated so we can find a solution,” Hone said.


Supplements such as vitamin D, iron and biotin can help with hair loss. You can have your vitamin D levels checked by your doctor. Depending on the results, he or she can prescribe the right dosage for you.

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By Olivia

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