“Re-releasing the old Sonos app would be worse,” says CEO after major app error

Sonos’ redesigned app is terrible, and everyone thinks so. The rushed redesign has received countless bad reviews since it launched on the App Store in May. But fixing the problem won’t be as simple as re-releasing the old app.

Last month, Sonos CEO Patrick Spence apologized for the rocky launch, promising that the brand’s top priority was to fix the app, even going so far as to delay some product launches planned for August. As the tech brand struggles to fix its major app bug, many have wondered if a simple rollback to the old app would fix things. However, in a Reddit AMA, Spence confirmed that Sonos had seriously considered re-releasing the old app, but after “extensive testing, we have reluctantly concluded that re-releasing S2 would make the issues worse, not better.”

By Olivia

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