RepAir Carbon and C-Questra launch Europe’s first onshore DAC project

RepAir Carbon and C-Questra, European experts in carbon storage, have announced a strategic alliance to develop the continent’s first onshore Direct Air Capture and Storage (DACS) project in France.

This groundbreaking initiative offers a promising solution to Europe’s urgent need for CO2 removal.

The project stands out for several reasons:

Relevant: RepAir partners with EnEarth for groundbreaking DAC project in Greece

  • Energy efficiency: RepAir’s innovative technology reduces energy consumption by 70% compared to traditional DAC methods, making it more cost-effective and environmentally friendly.
  • Onshore location: The project eliminates the need for expensive midstream and offshore infrastructure, streamlines the process and reduces costs.
  • Scalability: The goal is to save 100,000 tons of CO2 annually by 2030. There is the possibility of increasing the amount to megatons by 2035.

This partnership creates a complete DACS value chain on French soil, from capture to storage. The project is located in Grandpuits, near Paris, where C-Questra has applied for a permit to develop an onshore CO2 storage site.

Beyond CO2 removal, the collaboration aims to promote local production and create new green jobs in the Île-de-France region. The partners also plan to explore similar DACS projects in other European countries.

“This sets a new standard for efficient and scalable carbon removal in Europe,” said Jean-Philippe Hiegel, Head of Strategy and Growth at RepAir Carbon.

“The combination of our technology, which consumes just 0.6 MWh per tonne of CO2 captured – compared to 2.5 MWh for most competitors – and C-Questra’s unique expertise in carbon storage removes a key barrier to widespread adoption of DACS. Given global decarbonisation needs, this is incredibly exciting.”

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Walid Sinno, founder and CEO of C-Questra, said: “As one of the few CO2 storage companies operating independently of the fossil fuel industry, C-Questra offers the highest levels of security, consistency and sustainability required to rapidly advance CCS projects in Europe.”

“Our partnership with RepAir allows us to demonstrate Europe’s ability to develop onshore direct air capture and storage projects. This is important to offset the momentum created by the US Inflation Act and to re-establish Europe as a leader in the CDR space,” said Sinno.

RepAir Carbon has quickly established itself as a market leader in the DAC space. This partnership follows another major project in Greece and underlines the company’s commitment to developing innovative carbon removal solutions.

By Olivia

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