Repair of 4 water stations in Deir ez-Zor bombed by Damascus government troops

Between August 7 and 12, Damascus government troops and the so-called “National Defense” carried out attacks on the western outskirts of Deir ez-Zor, killing 15 civilians and injuring 24 others.

The shelling also destroyed the population’s property. In addition, four drinking water stations failed and tens of thousands of citizens had no access to drinking water.

The following stations were out of service: Al-Sabha water station in the town of Al-Busaira (which supplies water to 15,000 people), Al-Omar station in the town of Dhiban (which supplies water to 3,000 people), Hawaj Dhiab water station in the western outskirts of the town of Kasra (which supplies water to 12,000 people) and Abu Hamam al-Oula water station (which supplies water to 4,000 people).

Once security was restored in the villages and towns of Deir ez-Zor canton, the provincial water center began repairing the damage to the four stations, all of which were put back into operation.

Fawaz al-Atish, director of the water center in Deir ez-Zor, confirmed that the stations had suffered severe damage, including station casings, electrical transformers and water pipes.

Al-Atish confirmed that the foundation had repaired all damaged stations and that they were now serving the population.

The canton of Deir ez-Zor has 80 drinking water stations, some of which draw their water from the Euphrates and the canton’s irrigation canals.



By Olivia

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