REQUESTED TOPICS – Collision Repair Magazine

Event interest

When looking at the topics industry members would most like to hear at events, the most requested request (64.7 percent) was for panels that provide more insight into advanced vehicle technologies such as advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) and advanced vehicle repairs. Next (47.1 percent) respondents said they would like to hear more about recruiting and training, as well as new industry trends and regulations at industry events. A close third (41.2 percent) respondents said they would like to see more event programs focused on estimating.


Because industry events offer a varied program and a diverse group of speakers, Collision Repair was interested to learn what type of speakers respondents find most valuable.

Of all respondents, the majority (64.7 percent) said they would most like to hear from technical experts and trainers, as well as collision repair shop owners. In addition, survey respondents would also like to hear from business consultants (41.2 percent) and inspirational speakers (35.3 percent).


In terms of event types, regional and provincial association meetings were rated as the most valuable, followed by training seminars and workshops, as well as trade fairs and exhibitions hosted by suppliers, which were also highly valued.

By Olivia

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