Revitalize T-Town helps Tulsa couple renovate their home

A nonprofit organization that repairs homes for families in need is renovating the longtime home of a Tulsa couple.

“The kids grew up here and moved away, and they and I are still here, and it’s good to have a place to call home,” said Ernesto Galvez.

Ernesto and his wife Eva have lived in their home in Tulsa for 34 years. They love gardening, being outdoors and having family visits.

But as time went on and the couple grew older, the house no longer served its purpose.

“I had problems with my stairs and I didn’t have a railing to hold on to. I didn’t need that then. I jumped, but now I need something to hold on to,” said Ernesto.

After the couple filled out an application to Revitalize T-Town, the nonprofit began repair work.

They repaired the roof and patio stairs, added a ramp and new kitchen floor, and replaced the tub in the bathroom with a walk-in shower.

CEO Jennifer Barcus-Schafer says Revitalize T-Town has helped more than 2,800 families since its founding in 1997.

She says helping families in need never gets boring.

“I believe that not having to worry about picking up their mail or going out to check their yard is a level of peace that everyone deserves,” she said.

Ernesto and Eva say they have been praying for something like this for years and are eternally grateful. They can’t wait to create more memories in their home for years to come.

“We are very happy and thank the Lord for giving us such company. She thinks it is angels who have come and helped us,” said Ernesto.

“Oh yes, I believe in angels,” said Eva.

Revitalize T-Town hopes to have everything finished by next week.

If you or someone you know needs repairs, click here for more information.

By Olivia

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