School bus goes the wrong way; 2 things I learned after narrowly escaping

The bus was packed with at least a dozen children, yet it was still driving in the wrong direction and too fast.

BHPian veyron_music recently shared this with other enthusiasts.

A few days ago I narrowly escaped an accident that made me realize two things:

  1. Dashcam is necessary
  2. No matter how well you drive, you cannot be responsible for the stupidity of other people on the road.

This incident occurred near the underpass of Orchid Hotel, Baner, Pune. We were entering an underpass at 35 kmph when a school bus was coming towards us from the wrong direction at almost 60 kmph. Luckily we were able to brake in time (the nosedive was unpleasant but it was worth it), the bus driver also braked hard and came to a stop. We were lucky that we did not have a rear end collision as we were stopping very sharply in heavy traffic.

I was baffled as to how someone could drive a school bus in the wrong direction, and at too high a speed. What made me angry was that the bus driver shamelessly honked at us to make us yield to him, even though we couldn’t because we had a lot of traffic behind us and no way to turn.

When traffic was backed up and he wasn’t moving at all, I honked and pulled out my phone, which for some reason scared the bus driver, so he sped through traffic in the wrong direction and got out of there.

I started imagining what would have happened if I hadn’t been able to brake in time or the bus driver hadn’t done it. I mean, how can he be so stupid, there were small children on that bus (at least a dozen). There are no consequences for people like that, sometimes we let it go because maybe we are in a hurry or in some cases because the other person’s livelihood is at stake.

I’ve attached a picture of the underpass at the end of the post to give an idea of ​​what it normally looks like. When you turn into the underpass you don’t see any traffic. There are two separate lanes for entry and exit. Please spread the license plate to raise awareness of this driver.

For more insights and information, see BHPians’ comments.

By Olivia

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