Section of Ventnor Boardwalk closed on Wednesday for urgent repairs

According to a post on the city’s social media page, a portion of the Ventnor Boardwalk between Derby and Cornwall Avenues will be closed to pedestrians and cyclists from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Wednesday.

Public Works Commissioner Lance Landgraf said a structural member beneath the boardwalk was broken and was being temporarily repaired on an emergency basis.

The boardwalk in this area is to be replaced with a $7.1 million donation from Governor Phil Murphy’s $100 million Boardwalk Preservation Fund, made possible by the American Rescue Plan.

The boardwalk was built in 1962, has deteriorated over time and needs to be replaced. The total cost to replace the boardwalk is about $26 million, according to officials. The grant will initially be used to replace the most deteriorated sections, and the city will apply for additional grants for the remaining sections.

Landgraf said one of the supports beneath the planking had broken and the boardwalk had been closed to car, bicycle and pedestrian traffic for safety reasons.

“It will be closed temporarily so our contractor can install a support beam and steel plates under the boardwalk,” he said. “Our engineer has reviewed it and approved a temporary solution so we can open the boardwalk over Labor Day weekend.”

Landgraf said more extensive repairs will be needed in the near future, which will require that section of the boardwalk be closed for several days.

The cost to completely replace Ventnor’s boardwalk is estimated at $26 million. Ventnor plans to apply for additional state and federal grants to complete the reconstruction project.

Ventnor’s project includes the complete demolition of sections of the existing boardwalk and foundation pile and the installation of new treated wood piles spaced 12 feet apart, slightly less than the existing 14-foot spacing, to provide additional strength and a more durable product. ADA-compliant ramps will be installed where necessary. The grant requires that the boardwalk reconstruction be completed by the end of 2026.

By Olivia

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