September is the month to register for the National Library Card. Get yours. It’s free


Who would have thought that Bay County residents could borrow telescopes, cake pans and musical instruments from their Panama City library?

For anyone starting a rock band or a bakery, the Bay County Library is your one-stop shop for knowledge and fun.

But first: a library card.

Don’t worry. September happens to be National Library Card sign-up month, and the Northwest Regional Library System is ready to help you find a planet, bake a three-layer cake, rock a mountain dulcimer, or, dare I say, check out a book.

In short, library cards are free for Bay County residents. All you need is proof of residency. And if you live in one of the other counties but work here in Bay, you’ll need an additional $20 (per year).

“That’s less than what a book would cost if you bought it at a bookstore,” said Sarah Burris, Bay County Library’s communications and marking coordinator. “And with that library card, you can check out 20 (library) items at a time.”

For more information on obtaining a library card, call 850-522-2100.

By Olivia

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