Shark Tank’s Kevin O’Leary praises Elon Musk as a modern-day “Bruce Wayne” and suggests a role in government

Shark Tank investor Kevin O’Leary has expressed his admiration for Elon Musk, comparing the CEO of Tesla and SpaceX to Batman, the legendary superhero from Gotham City.

“I think this guy is a modern-day Bruce Wayne,” O’Leary said during an interview on Fox News’ “The Big Money Show.”

O’Leary, whose son works at Tesla, praised Musk’s transparency, execution skills and achievements and said his involvement in government would benefit the nation.

“The guy is a no nonsense guy. He is very open and really knows what he is doing. He has assertiveness. You may not like him, you may not like his communication style, but look at what he has accomplished,” O’Leary said. He added: “If we could get more Elon Musks in government, this country would not be so divided in the situation it is in.”

Possible role of the government

While Musk has previously denied reports of an official role in a potential Trump administration, he recently expressed openness to joining a commission on government efficiency should Trump win the upcoming election. The idea was raised during a livestreamed conversation between Musk and Trump.

“I think it would be great to have a government efficiency commission to look at these things and make sure that taxpayers’ hard-earned money is spent wisely, and I would be happy to help on such a commission,” Musk said.

Trump responded enthusiastically, saying, “I would like that.”

Contrasting views

O’Leary’s positive attitude toward Musk and his potential government involvement contrasts with the views of his Shark Tank colleague Mark Cuban. Cuban, who supports Vice President Kamala Harris, criticized billionaire Trump supporters and accused them of trying to exert undue influence on a potential Trump administration.

This latest episode sheds light on the ongoing debate about the role of billionaires in politics and the potential influence of figures like Elon Musk on government policy.

By Olivia

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