Stephen A. Smith confronts Tank for saying Chris Brown is “better” than Michael Jackson: “Blasphemy”

Stephen A. Smith does not tolerate Tank’s “blasphemy” after he claimed that Chris Brown was better than Michael Jackson.

On the Stephen A. Smith At the Aug. 15 show, linked above, Smith was joined by the R&B artist so Tank could defend his hot take. Smith introduced Tank, who appeared via video chat, by suggesting he had heard some “blasphemies” from the artist just a few days ago.

“So, I was in Miami a couple of days ago, I’m hanging out with my crew at Prime 112, we’re leaving the restaurant (and) I see my husband there in the corner,” Smith said, providing some background on Tank’s performance. “For some reason, we got into it and told the audience that I almost had a heart attack in the middle of the restaurant.”

Tank then explained that he had deeply disturbed Smith when he said, “Chris Brown is actually better than Michael Jackson.”

“WHAT?!” Smith replied in total disbelief. “You know what you’re saying? You’re admired, you’re revered, you’re associated with music… Chris Brown is out of this world, I think he’s the greatest entertainer on the planet right now. But better than Michael Jackson? 13-time Grammy Award winner Michael Jackson? thrillerthe best-selling album of all time. That Michael Jackson?!”

Tank replied, “Things evolve, brother.” He drew an analogy from sports, saying, for example, that there is a clear evolution from Magic Johnson to LeBron James.

“When I saw Chris Brown perform, he was the best in the world,” Smith said. “The best in the world. One of a kind. I’m challenging myself to the next level. I didn’t know there was a next level after Michael Jackson.”

After Tank made his bold claim on Smith’s show, social media users immediately poked fun at his opinion. Check out some of those reactions below.


By Olivia

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