Study reveals unique replication fork behavior in pluripotent stem cells

Driving slowly is better for cycling quickly

Mouse ES cells exhibit active origin firing and replication forks that develop slowly during S phase. These features are integral aspects of genome replication and ensure genome integrity in ES cells. On the other hand, non-ES cells exhibit initially slow forks with frequent fork pauses, which then accelerate and decrease fork pauses as S phase progresses. Image credit: T. Tsubouchi

Embryonic stem cells (ES cells) are pluripotent stem cells that can produce all cell types of an organism. ES cells proliferate rapidly and are believed to be subject to high intrinsic replication stress. A recent study in EMBO Reports by Kurashima and his team challenge this assumption by providing a detailed molecular study of replication dynamics in these cells.

Led by Dr. Tomomi Tsubouchi at the National Institute for Basic Biology (NIBB) in Japan, the research team investigated replication fork dynamics – such as replication fork speed, pause frequency and origin firing density – in different substages of S phase. Their findings reveal previously overlooked aspects of replication not only in ES cells but also in other non-pluripotent cells.

Dr. Kiminori Kurashima, the first author of the study, explains: “By fractionating cells at sub-stages of S phase and performing DNA fiber analyses on these sorted populations, we discovered that pluripotent mammalian stem cells maintain a slow fork rate and high active origin density throughout S phase, with minimal fork pauses.”

This is inconsistent with their finding that in non-pluripotent cells, fork velocity is slower at the beginning of S phase but increases thereafter. Fork pauses also occur in non-pluripotent cells, especially in early S phase, with checkpoint mechanisms likely activated to facilitate fork acceleration and reduce pauses.

Driving slowly is better for cycling quickly

In the DNA fiber assay used in this study, cells labeled with IdU (green) and CldU (red) nucleotide analogues were sorted into S-phase substages before subjecting them to the DNA fiber assay. This method allows the measurement of various parameters such as replication fork speed, fork pause rate and origin firing rate in S-phase substages. Image credit: K. Kurashima

The research also shows that after differentiation, mouse ES cells acquire replication properties similar to those of non-pluripotent cells. In addition, some features of DNA replication observed in mouse ES cells are identical to human iPS cells, suggesting that the slow replication fork with high origin density may be a hallmark of pluripotency. Surprisingly, forcing replication forks to accelerate resulted in miscoordination between the completion of genome replication and cell cycle progression.

Dr. Tsubouchi concludes: “We propose that slow replication forks are not the manifestation of replication obstructions, but rather an integral part of DNA replication in ES cells. Our study highlights the dynamic regulation of DNA replication and shows how different cell types employ different mechanisms.”

Further information:
Kiminori Kurashima et al., Embryonic stem cells maintain high origin activity and slow branching to coordinate replication with cell cycle progression, EMBO Reports (2024). DOI: 10.1038/s44319-024-00207-5

Provided by National Institutes of Natural Sciences

Quote: Slow is better for fast cycles: Study reveals unique replication fork behavior in pluripotent stem cells (19 August 2024), accessed 19 August 2024 from

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By Olivia

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