Study shows: San Bernardino County would be better off if it did not secede from California

Study shows: San Bernardino County would be better off if it did not secede from California

Study shows: San Bernardino County would be better off if it did not secede from California


A new study analyzes the funding and reasons for a possible secession of San Bernardino County from the state of California and concludes that it is probably better for the county to stay there.

“Secession would have a variety of economic impacts throughout the county, as well as financial impacts on county government, local municipalities and school districts,” the memo accompanying the study said.

Voters approved the research report in 2022 with Measure EE, which included the possibility of the county seceding from the Golden State depending on the outcome.

The report, released Monday by Blue Sky Consulting Group, shows that San Bernardino actually receives more per capita funding and generates far less tax revenue on average than other counties in the state.

Over the last three fiscal years, the county received 9% more state funding per capita than other counties statewide — $829 to $763, the study shows. That contradicts state comptroller data the county used in 2022 to determine it ranked 36th out of 56 in state and federal funding per capita in California.

Another point of contention has been that the county does not receive enough state funds to repair and maintain the city’s roads. However, the study shows that funding for road construction in San Bernardino is actually above the state average.

However, the report also found that they are underfunded on issues such as homelessness and affordable housing: they receive only 1.1 percent of the two percent of funding allocated to them from the Homeless Housing, Assistance and Prevention Program.

If the county actually decides to secede from California, possibly merge with Nevada or Arizona, or form its own state, it would have to obtain the approval of the state legislature and Congress.

By Olivia

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