Study: Simple and inexpensive test could save lives from colon cancer

New research suggests that a simple, inexpensive test can determine who is at risk of developing colon cancer.

Scientists say this could enable early diagnosis and potentially save lives.

The study found that the faecal immunochemical test (FIT), which costs around £4, can detect traces of hidden blood in stool.

According to the researchers, the procedure is effective in patients with low-risk symptoms and can quickly and accurately determine who is unlikely to have colon cancer and should be referred for testing.

Led by the University of Exeter and supported by the Peninsula and Somerset, Wiltshire, Avon and Gloucestershire Cancer Alliances and the Cancer Research UK CanTest Collaborative, the study examined data from nearly 4,000 patients aged 50 and over.

All healthcare providers in the south west of England took part in the study.

The test was carried out over a period of six months in all people who had symptoms of low-risk colon cancer – that is, symptoms that can be caused by colon cancer, but are very often caused by other things.

These include, for example, abdominal pain, unexplained weight loss or anemia.

Previously, there was no easy-to-perform test for people with low-risk symptoms of colon cancer.

From June to December 2018, 3,890 patients received the FIT.

Blood was detected in the stool of 618 of them and 43 of them had been diagnosed with colon cancer within 12 months.

In the group with negative test results, only eight people were diagnosed with colon cancer a year later, according to the study published in the British Journal of Cancer.

Dr Sarah Bailey, from the University of Exeter’s School of Medicine, who led the study, said: “Our results are very exciting. We show that this simple and inexpensive test works exceptionally well in this group of patients with low-risk symptoms, telling us quickly and accurately who is unlikely to have colon cancer and who should be referred for investigation.”

“At a time when hospital care is facing a backlog due to Covid-19 measures, a quick decision can ensure that the right people are examined and treated as quickly as possible, which can help save lives.

“We know that there has been increasing interest in using FIT in other patients, such as those with symptoms who are at higher risk of colorectal cancer, and we are now calling for FIT to be evaluated for use across the spectrum of healthcare, not just primary care, and in combination with other clinical cancer markers such as blood test results.”

Every year, 1.8 million cases of colon cancer are diagnosed around the world. The disease is responsible for 900,000 deaths worldwide.

Dr Jodie Moffat, Head of Early Diagnosis at Cancer Research UK, said: “FIT is already being used in the bowel cancer screening programme in people who have no symptoms.

“So it’s exciting to see how this test can also be used in patients with low-risk symptoms to determine who needs further testing.

“Like all tests, the FIT test is not perfect and some cases may be missed. Therefore, it is important that anyone whose symptoms persist, change or worsen contact their GP, even if the FIT result was recently negative.”

By Olivia

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