Telegram founder arrested – is freedom of speech in danger?

While Pavel Durov is still imprisoned in France, Telegram releases a statement and prominent representatives of the tech industry speak out in support.

Pavel Durov, the well-known Russian-born technology magnate and founder of the encrypted messaging app Telegram, was arrested by French authorities after arriving at Le Bourget airport north of Paris.

Durov, known for his strong advocacy of privacy and digital rights, was arrested after his private jet landed from Baku. The arrest, confirmed by several French media outlets including Le Monde, sparked a flood of international reactions and raised significant concerns about the intersection of technology, privacy and law enforcement.

The arrest warrant, reportedly issued by France’s L’Office Mineurs (OFMIN), which investigates crimes against minors, indicates a serious investigation into Telegram’s activities and its alleged links to illegal activities such as fraud, drug trafficking, cyberbullying and organized crime. Sources familiar with the investigation explained that the preliminary probe focuses heavily on what is perceived as a lack of effective content moderation at Telegram.

According to an AFP report, the allegations against Durov and his platform are far-reaching and suggest that the app has been used as a conduit for various illegal activities. This could result in serious legal consequences. It is speculated that Durov could face up to 20 years in prison if convicted.

A Bloomberg report highlighted comments from Maria Zakharova, spokeswoman for the Russian Foreign Ministry, who confirmed the news of Durov’s arrest in a post on Telegram and stressed the seriousness of the situation.

Telegram issues statement

In contrast, the messaging platform released a statement defending its compliance with EU laws, including the Digital Services Act. “Telegram complies with EU laws, including the Digital Services Act – its moderation is in line with industry standards and is constantly improving. Telegram’s CEO Pavel Durov has nothing to hide and travels frequently in Europe. It is absurd to claim that a platform or its owner is responsible for the misuse of this platform. Nearly a billion users worldwide use Telegram as a means of communication and a source of important information. We await a speedy resolution of this situation. Telegram is with you all,” the statement said, claiming the allegations were surprising given Durov’s frequent travels in Europe and transparent business operations.

Source: X

Is freedom of expression under attack?

The reaction was swift and loud. Various personalities commented on the consequences of Durov’s detention. The Russian authorities expressed their dismay at France’s actions. The Russian embassy in Paris demanded access to Durov and accused the French authorities of “not engaging” in the matter.

Meanwhile, American politicians and commentators have also expressed their views. Tucker Carlson, a right-wing commentator, argues on the social media platform X that Durov’s arrest was an insult to freedom of expression, stating:Pavel Durov left Russia when the government tried to control his social media company Telegram. But in the end, it wasn’t Putin who arrested him for allowing the public to express themselves freely. It was a Western country, an ally of the Biden administration, and an enthusiastic NATO member that locked him up. Sitting in a French prison tonight, Pavel Durov is a living warning to any platform owner who refuses to censor the truth at the behest of governments and intelligence agencies. Darkness is fast descending upon the once free world.”

Elon Musk simply Tweeted “#FreePavel” and links to Carlson’s previous interview with the Telegram founder.

Prominent figures from the technology industry such as Edward Snowden, Balaji Srinivasan and Lex Fridman also tweeted their support for Telegram and Pavel.

TON under pressure

Following the news of Durov’s imprisonment, Toncoin (TON) experienced a sharp Wasteand fell nearly 17% in a matter of hours, from about $6.80 to about $5.38.

The Open Network (TON), the blockchain protocol associated with Telegram, is unaffected by Durov’s arrest, according to an official post on its X account. The post reassured the community about its operational status and called for support for Durov, emphasizing the platform’s core principles of freedom of speech and decentralization.

Durov’s personal experience with state interference, particularly from the Russian government, when he ran VK, Russia’s largest social network, underscores the complexity of his current situation. After leaving Russia in 2014 due to increasing government pressure, Durov lived in various countries and eventually settled in Dubai, where he cited the country’s business-friendly environment and neutrality – a stark contrast to the regulatory challenges he now faces in Europe.

As the situation develops, the digital and geopolitical community is anxiously watching the outcome of Durov’s upcoming court appearances and the broader implications for digital privacy and the responsibility of technology platforms to moderate content while protecting users’ rights.

By Olivia

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