Ten things I learned while spending 1,000 hours offline

IIt started on my 33rd birthday. I realized I was too attached to my devices and that something needed to change – and fast. My constant availability and digital overload were exhausting me and making it impossible to truly switch off. Every attempt to unplug failed and minutes later I was reaching for my phone again. In my head, there was always something else to do, something else to check. My phone had become my lifeline.

This birthday, I set myself a challenge: to turn off all devices for 1,000 hours a year. What started as an attempt to reclaim time and become more present ended up changing my life. By unplugging, I learned to be happier, find inner peace, and rekindle my love for life. Now, thousands of hours without devices, here are some of the most valuable lessons I learned along the way:

There is a difference between checking in and checking out

“I’m just checking in,” I reassured myself every time I reached for my phone. But when I started to disconnect, I had to face the truth: I’m not checking in, I’m checking out. This journey taught me to really be with myself in moments of stress, anxiety, or boredom. Instead of getting lost in endless scrolling, I used my offline hours to really take care of myself – by going for walks, practicing mindfulness, or just sitting outside in the sun.

Time is my most valuable currency

By switching off, I realized that time is my most valuable currency. I can either waste it or invest it wisely in the people, projects and plans that matter to me. The choice is mine – whether I binge on Netflix or go on a date night with my husband without electricity. What’s really remarkable is that the more I switch off, the more time is given to me and the more valuable it becomes.

Presence is a superpower

We all know what it feels like to sit across from someone who isn’t present – they’re on their phone and in two places at once. Unplugging has shown me how powerful presence can be, even though it’s a rarity in our overly connected world. Giving someone my full attention is a gift – an opportunity to make them feel less alone and stronger. Life is too challenging not to share the gift of presence whenever possible.

Have you become a slave to your device?

Have you become a slave to your device? (Getty/iStock)

Limits can inspire others

When I talk about my hours without internet, I often get a strong reaction. Many of us want to be more present but struggle to make it happen. Although I’m careful not to impose my habits on others, my habit of disconnecting from technology and setting digital boundaries has piqued my curiosity. As a result, many friends have shared their own experiences of disconnecting from technology and how going offline has positively impacted their lives as well.

The grass is greener where you water it

Before I started detaching from technology, I spent too much time comparing myself to others. Social media often made me feel inadequate and convinced that everyone else’s life was better than mine. But as I became more present, I realized where I should really be investing my time – and that wasn’t social media. Instead, I started focusing on my relationships, my work, and my passions. I had lost countless hours comparing, but every moment away from technology became an opportunity to nurture my own life instead of envying the “greener” grass of others.

Resistance is a good thing

The first time I went offline, it was incredibly uncomfortable. But I’ve learned that there are often good things on the other side of resistance. Even now, I still feel uncomfortable turning my phone off, but I’ve realized that offline time revitalizes me and brings me peace. To ease that discomfort, I plan how I’m going to spend my time off the phone. Having a clear focus makes time pass faster and gives it meaning.

Being present is a gift

Being present is a gift (Getty)

Miracles can be rediscovered at any age

My pursuit of instant gratification had dulled my sense of wonder, which somehow disappeared unnoticed. But as I spent more time with my young daughter, I began to see the world through her eyes, full of wonder. I began to see the richness of daily life that had always been there. I developed more curiosity and gratitude, lived with more questions, and resisted the urge to want to know everything immediately. I allowed myself to be swept away by the beauty of not having all the answers.

It’s okay to be simple

The first time I switched off, I was faced with an uncomfortable question: “What am I doing with my hands?” I was so used to constant activity that stillness seemed foreign to me. But by switching off, I began to accept just “being.” I practiced stillness, taking a few minutes each day to do nothing at all. These moments didn’t mean I was lazy or unproductive; they reminded me to just breathe and remember that I am more than the tasks I do. My life is richer than just a checklist.

There is more to life than momentum

By switching off, I learned to slow down and move at a more sustainable pace

There are times and seasons when you need momentum, but a lot of the “always-on” mentality I once lived by came from never going offline. I was always moving on to the next thing, thinking it would give me meaning and value. By shutting down, I learned to slow down and move at a more sustainable pace. I was challenged and freed to monotask, slow down, and embrace the process rather than just the finished product.

Enjoyment is an exercise

The practice of shutting down has taught me to enjoy moments without documenting or sharing them. While sharing life’s milestones and moments can be rewarding, there’s something beautiful about learning to be fully present in a moment without feeling the need to share it. Enjoying it is an exercise, but it’s worth it. I enjoy the sounds, the people, the milestones, and the moments that will never happen the same way again.

“The Unplugged Hours” will be released on September 17th and can be pre-ordered Here

By Olivia

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