The Baha’i Center of Washtenaw County celebrates its 20th anniversary

News from the community

Chelsea Baha’is will help celebrate a dream come true. Washtenaw County’s first Baha’i Center turns 20 this year. A special program of musical entertainment, devotions and remembrances is planned for Saturday, August 24.thDavid Douglas, Treasurer of the Baha’i Regional Council of Midwestern States, will deliver the keynote address: “Dawns of a New Civilization.”

The Baha’is have lived in Washtenaw County for over 100 years and in Chelsea for nearly 60 years. It was not until 10 acres of forest land in Ypsilanti Township were donated in 1995 that a permanent building became possible. The Baha’i Center is now a bustling place for worship, study and community support.

The Baha’i Faith is the youngest of the world’s major religions, and its adherents represent every nationality, ethnicity, and religious background. The fundamental teachings are that there is only one God and all religions come from the same source, that there is only one human family, and that world peace is not only possible but inevitable.

The 20th The anniversary celebration will take place on Saturday, August 24, from 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the Baha’i Center of Washtenaw County.

By Olivia

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