The craziest things hospital staff have ever seen

There is chaos in the hospitals.

Have you been there yet?

Be happy if the answer is “NO”.

The further you can live from a hospital, the better.

The things that the people who work there see are things they can never forget.

Yes, miracles happen, and babies and blah, blah, blah.

But there can also be real horror podcasts about everyday hospital life.

Redditor mhunter1323 wanted to hear some horror stories from hospitals and asked:

“Anyone who works in hospitals: What is the craziest thing you have ever seen?”


“I’m a hospice volunteer visiting a patient in a facility that’s mostly elderly people with Medicare insurance. The other day there were 85. There were 10 staff members in total and only 5 of them were nurses. It’s like a vision of hell.”

– Maleficent_Scale_296

“I’m a hospice nurse and I visit these patients. I often see nurses caring for 30 to 40 patients overnight – all from one agency. It’s devastating.”

– Pastamonster3

Kyle Mooney Goodbye GIF from Saturday Night LiveGiphy

Bad treatment

“I was the 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. critical care manager at a 400-bed hospital in Texas. Circa 1981. We had an emergency admission from oncology. A middle-aged woman with ovarian cancer and metastases had vaginal bleeding. The emergency room physician who was in charge of the codes ordered her transfer while I tried to reach her surgeon. He did not return my call and did not care for the patient.”

“I was prescribed strong painkillers by the doctor in the emergency room and called the head of surgery, who was there in 30 minutes. The nurses and orderlies carried basins of blood out of the room. Thankfully, she died relatively peacefully. The surgeon was kicked off the team when further neglect and poor treatment came to light.”

– YorkshireBoyUS

With knife stabs

“A 20-year-old man drove his sports motorcycle into the guardrail at high speed. He arrived alive and ultimately survived, although his left arm, left leg and right leg were completely severed from his body. All three amputations have just been formalized surgically to stop the bleeding and cover the skin.”

“Second place went to a girl in her 30s who had a locking knife stabbed through her left temple to the hilt, with the blade going through her sinuses and onto the other side of her face. She was completely fine and we removed the knife without any significant problems.”

– Onakoverifaliv


“Define mentally ill. Here is an intensive care physician. Mentally ill? A woman in her late 20s, approximately 35 kg/120 cm tall (that’s 77 pounds/4 feet) with numerous congenital abnormalities that resulted in her being unable to eat, speak, read or understand and had been that way since birth. She required extensive care for EVERY bodily function and continued to do so for her entire life. She was in and out of the hospital every month due to essentially irreparable physical failure.”

“Each time we had to put tubes in her, put her on various life support devices, and subject her to repeated painful procedures, knowing all the time that we could not and would not CURE her in any meaningful way. She was neurologically ‘dead’, yet her mother insisted that she respond to her and express her feelings, and insisted that we ‘do everything.’ Ultimately, we had to subject this poor soul to the futility of prolonged CPR before she finally died.”

“THAT was crazy. And cruel.”

– hotjalapenolover

Where is Goldilocks?

“One of the funniest patients was a patient who took Halcion Sleeper (now discontinued) and thought he was a bear and ran naked through the halls, growling and defecating. He was ‘trapped’ in a patient’s bathroom. He suffered no injuries and remembered nothing. One of many stories from the night shift.”

– pjflyr13

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“A patient who was being treated 1:1 but was behaving OK suddenly ran out of his room and punched a new nurse in the back of the head, knocking her to the floor. She was young and in training, and her entire career was ruined due to the resulting health complications.”

“Another is a drug user who escapes with an intravenous line… When we realized he was missing, security saw footage of him leaving campus 20 minutes earlier.”

– Plaingirl123

It was horrific

“The therapeutic leech decided to escape and somehow escaped from the intensive care room and made it across the hallway before the nurse noticed. It left a trail of blood from the bed into the hallway and across it.”

“Perhaps most disturbing, however, was the case of a woman in the trauma intensive care unit who suffered a traumatic brain injury when a tree fell on her car while she was driving.”

“The tree killed her teenage son, who was riding in her car. The traumatic brain injury had severely impaired her short-term memory, causing her to wake up in the intensive care unit in a panic, asking how her son was and demanding to see him. So this woman learned several times a day that her son was dead.”

“We had to ask the hospital ethics department if we should continue to tell her he was dead (she was very insistent on seeing him when she was told he was alive) and force her to relive that pain over and over OR lie to her repeatedly. It was horrific.”

– Sp4ceh0rse


“I was admitted to the infirmary. A man was found lying on the floor at home. He had apparently suffered a stroke and had been lying on the floor for some time.”

“The gentleman lived alone in a small house with no neighbors nearby. He was eventually found (I’m not sure by who or how) and taken to the emergency room.”

“When he went to the emergency room, it was discovered that he had bedsores on one of his hips and his upper arm from lying on the floor. There were maggots in the bedsores.”

– rva23221

Eyes wide closed

“A woman came to the emergency room after using superglue to seal her eyes. Apparently she had confused the glue with lubricating eye drops.”


Scenes from a movie

“My wife is a nurse and used to work in an emergency room near a big city. A lot of mentally ill people would come through there all the time. Usually there’s someone sitting at the door of these patients watching over them. The person fell asleep, so the patient tried to escape… by climbing into the ceiling tiles.”

“He got further than you would think, and the security guard waited until the guy was right on top of him, punched his hand through a tile, grabbed the guy by the ankle and pulled him down through the ceiling. I always thought that sounded like something out of a movie.”

– HereForTheComments57


“I don’t work in a hospital, but I was a paramedic. I saw a girl and her boyfriend crash a motorcycle on the highway, without a helmet. Her arm was completely twisted behind her back. We had to break it again to put it back in the right position. I felt so sorry for her. She was given lots of medication during the helicopter ride though, so luckily she wasn’t in pain for long.”

– Long jump-Bet5293

Welcome to America

“The things nurses have to do in a 12-hour shift. It’s utter nonsense how they’re increasing the nursing staff when previously it took twice as many nurses. Welcome to America, where nobody cares as long as the insurance companies make money!


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So many people who work in the medical field need a raise.

Many of these people are actually heroes.

These stories are the stuff nightmares are made of.

I wouldn’t know what to do with myself in these situations.

Well, actually, yes. I wouldn’t do anything because I would be lying on the floor unconscious.

I would probably wake up in the morgue. That’s how deep my unconsciousness would be.

Thank you all for your service.

By Olivia

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