The iPad app for artists Procreate takes a stand against generative AI

Generative AI is everywhere these days, and no one expects any software to be untouched by it. However, some creative apps are fighting back, and one of them is the popular iPad app Procreate, which has now taken a stand. Procreate says: “AI is not our future.”

Procreate now has a new page on its website that highlights the company’s stance in these AI times. The page showcases three key commitments made by the app:

  • No generative AI
  • Your works belong to you
  • We value privacy

The first point underlines that Procreate values ​​the hard-earned skills of artists, so no generative AI is involved. The others are pretty straightforward.

“Creativity is made, not created,” the site says. The site also details that AI is built on stealing people’s work and leads to a “barren future.” Procreate also says it will not chase a technology that poses a “moral threat to our greatest jewel: human creativity.” The app developers admit that this stance may put them at a disadvantage, but they believe the road less traveled is more exciting and fruitful for the company. Procreate’s CEO James Cuda wrote on X:
I can’t help but be surprised by the boldness of the popular iPad app. I imagine this will make the app even more popular with people who are similarly inclined to the new trend, and the position it takes speaks directly to my artist heart.

Honestly, while I’m excited about AI and its capabilities, I think Procreate takes a beautiful stance, and I can’t help but think that this might ultimately be the way to go, at least for creative apps designed for artists. Nothing can replace human creativity, and I love that Procreate has decided to take on this challenge.

By Olivia

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