The items you should never use in a hotel room

There’s one bonus to hotel stays that many of us can’t resist: the complimentary toiletries. Especially in fancier hotels that carry brands that would never justify regular use at home. A little bougie shower gel as a reward.

However, according to an anonymous hotel manager on TikTok, these toiletries we love to treat ourselves to are exactly what we should avoid during our hotel stays. Because, of course, nothing is ever as good as it seems.

The hotel manager, known as TravelingHotelManager on TikTok, says that when staying in a hotel, we should never use the shampoo, conditioner or shower gel provided by the hotel as they are not safe.

You never know what’s in the bottles

Granted, this isn’t true for all hotels. If your toiletries come in sealed bottles, it shouldn’t be a problem, but for hotels that use refillable containers, the hotel manager warns that these bottles can be filled by previous guests with any number of unknown liquids, including hair dye and bleach. A true nightmare.

She adds that she always brings her own in hotels, but if you don’t want to, the hotel manager recommends calling the front desk and asking for a new set or even mini versions. But he warns again when it comes to large, refillable bottles: “Never, ever use those. Trust me.”

One commenter said they were afraid there was hair remover in the bottle and the really shocking news is that the hotel manager confirmed this happened. The scream.

Another commenter said she was always afraid to use it because someone might pee in it, to which ANOTHER hotel manager said, “Then don’t use the ice bucket.” Screaming, crying, vomiting.

Next time you plan a hotel stay, just bring your own treats. It seems to be much easier that way.


By Olivia

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