The meaning of the Queen of Wands tarot card: Upright or reversed

She’s got that special something! You know that person who arrives at the party and everyone immediately wants to meet her? It’s hard to say why, but she just has an indescribable and infectious energy… even from across the room. And her style? Effortless and all her own: flawless cool-girl vibes. Confident, cool, a total party animal… and she’s nice too? Who is this goddess???

When the irresistible Queen of Wands shows up at a tarot reading, let her inspire you. She’s the charismatic girl everyone wants to be. She’s comfortable in her own skin because she doesn’t feel threatened by what others do. She knows there’s more than enough for everyone… Need a nod to her vast network? She’s yours! Her cat-eye sunglasses? They’re from a gas station in the desert she peeked into during her road trip to Joshua Tree. Take them with you, she insists they look much better on you anyway! She never guards the doors, but shares her resources. When you pull this card, she wants to give you a spark of inspiration and encouragement to be your most creative, dramatic, sparkly, and colorful self, with no regrets!

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Keywords for the Queen of Wands

Self-confidence, charisma, creative, passionate, self-assured, extroverted, friendly, outgoing, sociable, center of attention, dominant, insecure, egotistical, introverted, jealous, demanding, low self-esteem, temperament

Queen of Wands Upright Meaning

Do you know how special you are? Because, my angel, maybe you need a reminder of that! You are the only person who can be yourself, and that is a true blessing! Who are you and what is important to you? Let us know! The Queen of Wands is your cosmic reminder to be your true self and share your gifts with the Universe. Maybe it’s your art? Maybe it’s what you are passionate about? Don’t be afraid of your wild ambitions, but embrace them for what they are.

True magic is in turning the intangible – like our thoughts and ideals – into something tangible that we can share with others. So write your book, paint your picture, dress how you want, dance like nobody’s watching, and share your talents galore. This is your moment to step into the spotlight of your life. Take up space! Shine bright! Don’t apologize for being yourself, and never dim your light to make others feel more comfortable or whatever. You don’t need people like that in your life. Show the world that you are your REAL self.

Queen of Wands – reversed meaning

Okay, let’s be honest: We all experience rejection at some point, and everyone feels insecure sometimes, even those of us with solid self-esteem. Everyone feels jealous sometimes. It’s normal to wonder, “Why did that person get that chance?” or “Why did that person ignore me?” or whatever else can make you feel “inferior.” But before you go into a complete shame spiral, stop and take a deep breath. This moment doesn’t define you or your worth! You’re still wonderful, but maybe that chance wasn’t the right one for you.

Can you learn something from this disappointment? How can you fulfill your desires in a different way? Or at a different time? Maybe it’s not meant to be at this moment, but that doesn’t mean it will never happen! Don’t let this situation damage your confidence. Blessings sometimes come in unexpected packages, so keep going and no matter what happens, don’t lose sight of who you are at your core. You are so much more than that. Don’t give up on your vision!

Portrait photo of Sarah Potter

Sarah Potter is a professional witch, tarot card reader and practitioner of color magic, a method that uses specific hues of the rainbow to summon different energies and bring about personal transformation. Sarah has worked with private and corporate clients over the years, teaching thousands of clients the magic of color and tarot to promote self-empowerment, problem-solving and enhanced intuitive abilities through speaking engagements, workshops, retreats and one-on-one consultations.

By Olivia

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