The supplement brands that address the roots of hair health

The annual UK Hair Loss Awareness Campaign, which runs throughout August, aims to provide an opportunity to raise awareness of hair loss and the impact it can have on quality of life.

Male pattern baldness is reported to affect up to 50% of men over the age of 50, while it is estimated that one-third of women will experience hair loss at some point in their lives and up to two-thirds of postmenopausal women will experience thinning hair or bald patches.

Hair health supplements are experiencing significant growth and are expected to reach over $2.86 billion by 2031.

Causes of hair loss

Hair growth involves a complex cycle with four phases: anagen (growth), catagen (transition), telogen (resting phase) and exogen (hair loss).

Several factors can affect this cycle, including inflammation, thyroid hormones, dihydrotestosterone, and the ratio of estrogen to testosterone. Inflammation can push hair from the anagen phase to the telogen phase, contributing to various types of hair loss.

Vitamin and mineral deficiencies are linked to hair problems, as are lack of sleep, illness, autoimmune disorders, recent pregnancy, and hormonal imbalances. Strategies to promote hair growth include supporting increased blood flow, follicle stimulation, and growth factors.

Consumer trends

Current trends in hair care supplements emphasize a holistic approach to hair health, focusing on both internal and external factors.

Scalp care is increasingly becoming the focus, offering nutritional supplements that not only promote hair growth but also the general health of the scalp.

By Olivia

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