The surprising everyday accessory responsible for your thinning hair and four other reasons why your hair is getting weak

Have you ever wondered why your hair is thinning even though you don’t change your beauty routine?

In the past week, Google searches in the UK for “reasons for hair loss in women” and “exosomes for hair loss” have increased by 70 percent.

Trichologist Tiffany Hall explains five lifestyles that can lead to weak hair bonds


Trichologist Tiffany Hall explains five lifestyles that can lead to weak hair bondsCredit: Delivered

There can be many health reasons, so it is always best to see a doctor to be on the safe side.

However, a hair expert said it might have something to do with daily routine and can be easily changed.

Here, trichologist Tiffany Hall explains five lifestyle choices that can lead to weak hair bonds.

Vitamin deficiency

A deficiency in important vitamins and minerals, such as vitamins D, E and B complex, as well as minerals such as iron and zinc can weaken the hair structure and lead to increased hair breakage.

These nutrients are essential for maintaining the health of hair follicles and the integrity of hair bonds.

Tight hairstyles

Hairstyles that pull hard on the hair, such as ponytails, braids or buns, can cause tension and strain on the hair follicles.

This can lead to traction alopecia and weaken the bonds in the hair, making the hair more prone to breakage.

Hair in bag handles

If your hair repeatedly gets caught in the handles of a bag, it can cause mechanical damage.

This pulling and tugging puts strain on the hair strands and over time leads to hair breakage and weakening of the hair bonds.

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Styling with excessive heat

Regular use of high-heat styling tools such as hair dryers, straighteners and curling irons can destroy the protein structure of hair and weaken its bonds.

The heat can strip hair of its natural moisture, leading to dryness and increased brittleness.

Chemical treatment

Chemical treatments such as bleaching, perming and straightening alter the natural structure of hair bonds to achieve a specific look.

These processes can significantly weaken the hair shaft and make it more susceptible to breakage and damage.

If you consider these factors, you can Steps to protect your hair and maintain stronger hair bonds.

Changing your diet, being careful with hair around bag handles, choosing looser hairstyles, using moderate heat styling and limiting chemical treatments can all contribute to healthier hair.

If you are concerned about the thickness, thinning or loss of your hair, you may want to consider a hair treatment with E-50 Exosomes.

Exosomes help maintain and prevent hair loss by promoting hair follicle growth, increasing cell proliferation, improving hair follicle health, reducing inflammation and oxidative stress, and promoting cell survival.

Tips for hair loss

According to the NHS, we can lose between 50 and 100 hairs every day.

This is usually nothing to worry about, but occasionally it can be a sign of a medical problem.

These include illness, stress, cancer treatments, weight loss and iron deficiency.

The NHS recommends making an appointment with your GP to find out the cause.

Experts from the American Academy of Dermatology Association also recommend eating a healthy diet, limiting the use of curling irons, and using them only on special occasions.

They also recommend using a mild shampoo and leave-in conditioners.

In addition, exosomes play a crucial role in strengthening hair bonds by delivering growth factors and signaling molecules directly to the hair follicles, improving the structural integrity and elasticity of the hair.

In addition, they support the regeneration of damaged hair follicles and stimulate the production of collagen and elastin, further improving the resilience and strength of the hair shaft.

In addition, exosomes help keep the scalp microenvironment in balance, provide optimal conditions for hair growth and reduce the likelihood of hair loss and breakage.

By Olivia

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