There is still plenty of time to get outdoors this summer and fall, but ticks and mosquitoes remain a problem throughout the region

23 August 2024- Representatives of the The Departments of Health (DOH) and Conservation (DCNR) of the Shapiro administration, And Environmental Protection (DEP) visited Memorial Lake State Park in Dauphin County this afternoon to emphasize the importance of residents taking precautions to prevent Lyme disease and tick bites.

“Spending time outdoors is an important way to promote health and well-being, but we want to encourage Pennsylvania residents to do so as safely as possible,” said Health Minister Dr. Debra Bogen“It only takes a few minutes to reduce your risk of tick bites before you go outside and to check for ticks after you return indoors. A few simple steps can make a big difference in protecting yourself from Lyme disease.”

Pennsylvania ranks in the top 10 nationally in the number of Lyme disease cases per 100,000 residents. So far, the Department of Health has recorded 11,263 laboratory-confirmed cases of Lyme disease in 2024. Most cases of Lyme disease can be successfully treated with a short course of antibiotics. However, if the infection is left untreated, it can spread to the joints, heart and nervous system.

To better inform Pennsylvania residents about tick-borne diseases, the DOH launched a new online dashboard earlier this year. It shows where ticks are commonly found and helps residents take precautions during outdoor activities.

The concentration of tick reports across Pennsylvania according to the Pennsylvania Department of Health

“Preventive measures help people enjoy the mental and physical health benefits of being outdoors without having to worry, especially about ticks,” said DCNR Secretary Cindy Adams Dunn“It’s important to be aware of the risks and be prepared when spending time outdoors year-round, whether visiting one of our 124 state parks, hiking in our more than 2.2 million acres of state forest, or enjoying one of the more than 6,000 local parks in your own backyard.”

Additionally, residents should take steps to prevent mosquito bites while enjoying Pennsylvania’s great outdoors.

“Ticks and mosquitoes can ruin a great time outdoors, and it’s important to take simple, common sense steps to protect yourself and your loved ones,” said DEP Deputy Secretary John Ryder“The DEP monitors tick and mosquito populations throughout Pennsylvania, tracks the spread of diseases these insects can transmit, and even takes steps to reduce mosquito populations when necessary. A little prevention goes a long way toward staying safe from ticks and mosquitoes while outdoors.”

Residents can prevent mosquito bites by using insect repellent containing DEET, picaridin or lemon eucalyptus oil and wearing long sleeves and long pants, especially during peak mosquito activity times, such as dusk and dawn.

Ticks are not limited to the forests and woodlands of our Commonwealth, but can also be found in urban and rural areas, usually in shrubs, weeds, leaf litter and tall grass – anywhere there is foliage. It is important to take the right steps to reduce the risk of a bite.


When outdoors, cover exposed skin, wear bright colors to make ticks easier to spot, and use an insect repellent approved by the EPA for tick prevention. Spray permethrin on shoes, clothing, and gear before going outdoors.

After spending time outdoors, thoroughly check yourself, your children, and your pets for ticks and remove any that are attached. Shower afterward to remove any ticks you may have missed. You can also throw your clothes in the dryer on high heat to kill any remaining ticks.

The Shapiro administration reminds Pennsylvanians of the health benefits of being safe outdoors, including:

  • Improve cardiovascular health;
  • Strengthening muscles and bones;
  • Reducing the likelihood of suffering from chronic diseases;
  • Reducing stress levels and improving mental health; and
  • Make more social contacts.

For more information about Lyme disease, visit the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ tick-borne diseases website.

By Olivia

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